Full Moon

June Full Moon in Capricorn: Strive For The Best

June Full Moon in Capricorn: Strive For The Best

On Thursday, the 24th of June, the next Full Moon will appear at 20:39 in the sky above Amsterdam. And we’re in luck with this one! Thanks to a very fortunate fixed star - this Full Moon will bring is a lot of success, ambition, honesty and spirituality! Especially the return of honesty, after such a deceitful solar eclipse two weeks ago, is a very welcome characteristic.

May Full Blood Moon in Sagittarius: A Challenging Time Ahead


On Wednesday the 26th of May, the Sagittarius Full Moon will appear at 13:13 in Amsterdam. This specific full moon is also a Supermoon, which means that the moon is less than 360,000 kilometers from the center of Earth - making it appear larger. This moon, therefore, has a bigger influence on us these next few weeks.

Full Moon Meaning

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.

During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach their peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships.


Super Blood Moon

Not only will this moon appear bigger due to being closer to the Earth’s surface - but it will also bear an interesting color. Thanks to the rays of the setting sun hitting the moon’s surface, it will appear to turn into a red or ruddy-brown tinge. This is why it carries the name of Blood Moon. It’s going to be a visually stunning sight to see at least! So make sure to have a look at the moon whenever the clouds disappear.

What to Expect?


This total lunar eclipse will be a challenging one for sure. This is also due to some stars who carry Mars and Saturn traits. You can expect some of the more negative aspects of Jupiter to come out these next few days. They could include feelings of greediness, overconfidence, and over-optimism. This can also affect your relationships, as your increased greed could result in wandering eyes. If you are not in a relationship, keep checking if you are not lowering your standards or missing red flags.

To make sure you don’t fall into excess, you have to find something to do to counter those negative aspects of Jupiter. One way to do so is by doing something for others. Whether it’s putting in time for a charity, or helping out a friend for free - make sure to do something fulfilling not only for yourself but also for others.



We’re all a bit prone to misunderstanding and miscommunication thanks to the influence of Mercury. You could be a bit more confused or insecure than usual - which makes it easier for others to deceive you. For your work life, we recommend you to listen extra carefully when presented with a business opportunity. Make sure to not leave any space for miscommunications and create flawless terms and conditions with others. Also you yourself should be wary of deceiving others. Maybe you think it’s a little white lie that can’t hurt anyone, but this act of insincerity can blow up in your face later. Save yourself the scandal and try to be as honest as you can.


Yes, something good will also happen to us this Full Moon… And it comes in the shape of Venus. Soft feelings such as tenderness may come to you more often - which is wonderful. The only thing to be cautious of is not to create over-idealized images of others and situations in your head. Remember, try not to be taken advantage of and stay realistic. It is beautiful to trust people, but make sure not to trust blindly.

If you’re feeling a bit low n the self-esteem department, you might think others are looking down on you or talking about you behind your back. Don’t worry about that though - these impressions are often distorted by your mind and do not match what’s really happening.


Uranus brings us restrictive aspects, unfortunately. What could happen, is that things change for you - but not in the way you want them to. It could be a bit frustrating if you really want to pursue something, and you get restricted by things out of your control. Try to stay open-minded to avoid tension and frustration. Who knows? Perhaps the unexpected might actually help you in ways we don’t know yet!



Star Acrab is not the friendliest star in the universe - not by miles. It causes malevolence, repulsiveness, mercilessness, and even contagious diseases on planet Earth. Even though Acrab also influences us to dive into research, it is also a bad omen for those who seek material wealth. Be prepared for difficulties coming your way, and try to focus on the positive influence of Acrab. This is a great time to finish writing up your thesis or conducting research - so perhaps challenging your mental capacity could be a great way to save yourself from making missteps.

In Summary

People without morals are going to have a great couple of weeks. But for the majority of us (with a moral compass), they are going to be quite challenging. Be wary of falling into traps of people with malicious intentions, such as loan sharks, propagandists, and criminals. They prey on vulnerable people who feel weak and insecure so make sure not to make drastic decisions when you’re feeling a bit low.

There’s a lot of treachery and deception around us for a while, people can be more cruel and spiteful than usual. It’s definitely going to be a challenging time that requires a lot of patience to get through it okay. Especially after a long pandemic, losing your spirit and mental resilience could something very dangerous.

Here are some tips from us to help you mentally prepare and get through this Full Moon:

  1. Meditate daily. Even if you only take 5 minutes before going to bed to sit down and close your eyes. That’s enough for your mind and body to rest and recover after a long day of impressions. So sit down, turn on soft music and close your eyes. Focus on your breath - feel how the air passes from your lungs into your abdomen and back out through your mouth again. Notice how your belly rises and inflates. Good luck!

  2. Get outside the house. We’ve been stuck inside for so long, but we’re not robots. We are animals who need nature. Take short breaks outside without distractions. Maybe bring your coffee outside and walk around for 5 minutes if you feel overwhelmed. Don’t bring your phone with you and take in your scenery. Check out this article on tips for a meditation walk

  3. Meet your loved ones. Do. Not. Isolate. Yourself. With COVID restrictions being lifted little by little, we have more freedom to go out and about. Make use of them and meet your friends again. Grab lunch together, meet for drinks and catch up. It’s only healthy to stay in touch with your closest friends and they can help carry burdens you’re having.

  4. Mindfulness exercises. They can truly help you see the positive in darker times. See this article for more tips to get started.

  5. Breathing tips. By breathing correctly, you can trick your brain into feeling calm. If you’re feeling tense or frustrated - breathwork exercises can help you calm down. Check out our IGTV for free exercises that can help you out.

  6. Pick up a routine. Try to start your day 1 hour earlier than usual to get some more time for you in the mornings. Maybe you can use this hour for a yoga practice or nice stretch. If you’re feeling a bit done with practicing yoga at home, you’re always welcome to book a physical mat during our live-streamed classes. You can do your self-practice at our studio again!

March Full Moon in Libra: Mend Your Broken Heart

March Full Moon in Libra: Mend Your Broken Heart

On Sunday, the 28th of March, the next Full Moon in Libra will appear in Amsterdam at 20:48 PM. This full moon is influenced by the Sun, Venus, and Chiron - which all relate back to healing broken hearts. Just like the past New Moon, the full moon of this month continues the theme of love.

January Full Moon in Leo: Creativity & (Sometimes Explosive) Self-Expression

January Full Moon in Leo: Creativity & (Sometimes Explosive) Self-Expression

The next Full Moon appears in Amsterdam on Thursday the 28th of January at 20:16 PM. This Full Moon is dealing with the influence of Mars and Jupiter, and in astrology, we know that this often relates to anger but also protecting yourself from becoming lost in your enthusiasm. Let us have a look at this new phase of the moon!

November Full Moon in Gemini: Move Through Uncertainty With Flexibility

November Full Moon in Gemini: Move Through Uncertainty With Flexibility

This November Full Moon, occurring on Monday the 30th of November at 10:29 AM in Amsterdam, is not a regular Full Moon. This Gemini Full Moon is characterized by being a lunar eclipse - which has many different astrological properties. This Full Moon is charged with the opposing forces of the Sun and the Moon and will bring us many different inner changes and urges.

September Full Moon in Pisces: Get Ready For Positive Change

September Full Moon in Pisces: Get Ready For Positive Change

On Wednesday, the 2nd of September, the Pisces Full Moon will arrive at 7:22 AM in Amsterdam. This special full moon is linked to Uranus and a beautiful lucky star. As a result, this will bring more freedom, positivity and stress-relieving experiences our way. After a couple of Full Moons bearing restrictions and frustrations, this is a very welcome change for the better.

Full Moon in Gemini: Illumination and Revelation

Full Moon in Gemini: Revelation and duality

With the end of the year in sight, it is natural to feel a sense of renewal and rebirth. Since all of the changes in 2018 are getting you ready for 2019, the uncertainty of what is ahead can build up a bit of a tension. Don’t despair, the Gemini Full Moon’s focus on illumination and duality provides some direction and clarity!

The upcoming two full moons are both in the sign of Gemini! These full moons will bring more clarity and illumination: truths are starting to come to the surface. And though these truths may not always be pleasant, it is a necessary revelation in order to move on.

Gemini Full Moon


It is certainly no coincidence that there are two Gemini Full Moons before the end of the year—the Universe is sending us a message. Represented by the Twins, the Gemini energy stands for duality. Like the Yin Yang symbol, the Gemini energy also represents many dualities such as life and death, light and dark, good and bad, the moon and the sun, and so forth. The same goes for the dualities that we have in ourselves. We have good and bad qualities, we can be happy or sad. This philosophy can be applied to an infinite amount of concepts. But oftentimes the importance of these dualities is overlooked. As the black and white dot in Yin Yang illustrates, these dualities are not only contradictory to each other but also complementary. The dualities in the universe are interconnected, one cannot exist without the other.

There is no better time for the heightened energy of the Gemini to peak. This Gemini Full Moon encourages us to assess and adjust our dualities in order to create the best possible, balanced version of ourselves. The Gemini Full Moon also reminds us that nothing in life is black and white—remember the balance in the duality, if you can see the middle ground, you’ll lead a more peaceful and stable life!


The Conscious Club provides a great way to heal and let go! On the 22nd of November, from 8:00 PM till 9:00 PM the event Full Moon Healing Circle takes place. Together with Maaike Aker you can discover the power of a full moon mantra meditation. For further information, you can visit our events page! 

Full Moon Healing Circle .jpg

Conscious Contributor: Zeynep Kizilirmak

