Explained: Why Yoga & Music Form The Ultimate Duo

When we practice yoga at home, we often feel the need to turn on some music. Preferably a nice, and calm playlist that will guide your practice. Something zen, relaxing or even meditative. Also at the studio, we often accompany your yoga practice with harmonious background music. But why do these two work so well together? Why is doing yoga in silence a little bit harder for most?

The goal of yoga is trifold: strengthening your mind, body and spirit. To achieve this, most yoga types include breathing exercises, meditation, asana (poses), and stretches. The reason why music accompanies most practices is actually really simple: it enhances the experience.


The Benefits of Music During Yoga

It boosts your concentration

Not only is music good for your wellbeing and health, but it can also lift your concentration to a higher level when there’s music playing in the background. Which makes it perfect for your mind & spirit to dive deeper into your practice. Especially soft, instrumental music can help you feel more accustomed to the practice, as most people aren’t used to complete silence.

It relaxes the body

The whole point of yoga is, after all, to nourish your body. Relaxation, or Shavasana, is often an important part of yoga. But sometimes this isn’t enough to fully embrace it. Here’s where music can guide you. It helps you clear your mind, you don’t feel distracted by your own thoughts and are less likely to be unaware of cramping sensations. Music helps you relax by redirecting your awareness back to your body.

It helps you let go/lowers stress

After a long day of work, it might be hard to let go of the day’s events when you’re in complete silence. Some people listen to a podcast on their way back home, some people workout to relieve stress but the best thing you can do for your body to help it unwind is rolling out your yoga mat and turn on a relaxing playlist. When you’re doing yoga with music on, it will be easier for you to transform your mind into a mindful and positive state.

It makes it easier to get into the flow

You can breathe to a beat when there’s music playing, making it easier to flow through the asanas. Follow the beat, breathe, and you can easier enter a nice, meditative state during your practice. This beat gives you something to focus on and gives you a nice rhythm to follow or get back to when you’re losing track of your own breath.

It detoxifies the body and makes us happy

Music can push you in the right direction. When you’re listening to music during yoga, you take in more oxygen because you breathe along with the rhythm. This helps your body produce the so-called happy hormone (dopamine) and serotonin which results in a calm and happy mood. In addition, this state of mind is perfect when doing yoga! In combination with your practice, it lowers not only your heart rate but also your blood pressure and levels of cortisol.

Good Musical Combinations For Your Practice

If a song makes you happy, why not listen to it during your yoga session - right? However, not everyone agrees that all types of music match a good practice. Some find songs with lyrics distracting, where others prefer to listen to something upbeat when they’re doing dynamic flows such as HIIT Yoga or playful Vinyasa.

A slower flow or a Yin class might require a more soft playlist, however. Simple instrumental tracks with singing bowls, harp, handpan or soft flutes might help you ease into the poses better. Therefore, it’s important to make sure to know your goal of the class before you pick out your playlist.

At The Conscious Club, we often match our classes with live music so your practice becomes a combination of yoga and sound healing. Take in the healing vibrations of live music - such as harp, piano, and handpan - while getting into your flow for the ultimate yoga experience.

Check out what musical yoga sessions we have coming up below