Sustainable 'New Years Resolutions' For a Happy Mind, Body & Spirit

Getting tired of all those ads claiming you should ‘improve’ yourself in the next year? Whether it is ridiculous diet plans or excessively expensive gear you ‘need’ to improve your quality of life… We say no to these New Years Resolutions that only exist to encourage you to spend money while acting on insecurities.

Rather than wasting time on setting unachievable goals for the new year, we’d very much rather see everyone aspiring to feel better in 2021 - instead of filling the void with unnecessary purchases or to-do lists. Therefore, we have conducted a list of sustainable tips and tricks for a happier and healthier lifestyle. We don’t mean to say all resolutions are unsustainable - but if you are changing your lifestyle abruptly, chances are you will desert these new ‘life’s decisions’ quickly.

Go slow, take your time when your aim is to improve your quality of life. Things don’t change with a blink of an eye. Be patient and learn to appreciate the smallest changes you can make.

1. Be kind

The best thing about kindness? It doesn’t cost you money. The second best thing? It helps us connect again. We live in a world with a lot of distance between us humans. Most of us have been feeling quite isolated for the past year, feeling distanced from friends, loved ones, and basic human connection. The people you meet on the street are coping with just as many internal struggles as you are. Therefore, just the slightest act of kindness can make their day - just like they could make yours.

A great mindfulness technique you could apply when you feel a frustrated outburst coming up, is taking a deep breath. Inhale for 4 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. You can feel your body starting to relax as your heart rate is dropping. Repeat this breathing technique until you feel calmer. Then, rethink what you were about to say or do. That angry email you were typing? Maybe change the tone and try to be understanding. Wanted to pick up the phone to get angry at the postal office for losing your parcel? Try to help resolve the problem instead of channeling out your anger. You will feel better for handling things with kindness, and the receiving end of your phone/email will do too!

2. Practice self-love

Of course, self-love is always important. Aim to encourage loving yourself as a person and spirit. We are used to warding off compliments, undermining our achievements, and being critical of our appearances. It is time to transform that selflessness into self-appreciation. This is something that needs to be practiced over time, and there is no ‘right’ way to do achieve self-love. But there are a few things you can try implementing in your life to test and see if it suits you.

  • Affirmation Journal. No, you don’t need to purchase an expensive notebook for this! Just any piece of paper or digital notepad will do. Before going to bed, write down 1 to 5 things that went well that day. This could be anything - ‘I cooked something delicious’, or ‘I had a nice conversation with someone’, but also ‘I like how I handled this or that’. If you are a forgetful spirit, set a daily alarm around your bedtime to take 1 minute and write down your affirmations. This is a wonderful way to learn to give yourself compliments and boost your self-esteem.

  • Visual reminders. Maybe you’re thinking of cheesy Live Life Love signs now, but that is not exactly what we mean. Rather than meaningless slogans, collect objects, pictures, and tokens that really mean something to you, contain a happy memory or make you feel a certain way. Create a personal altar in your home with all these collectibles that will serve you as a reminder to love yourself, your friends, and even (yes, we know, very cheesy but it is true) your life.

  • Work on accepting your flaws: go offline sometime! It’s silly to imagine your flaws can change or disappear at will. If we could do that, wouldn’t everyone be flawless? How boring! Rather than ignoring or suppressing your flaws, let’s work on accepting them as a part of you. A great way to practice this is by going off social media for a few days or weeks. We feel the need to constantly comparing ourselves with (fake) perfect images of perfect lives online. It is good practice to take a step back every now and then, to help you reconnect with your true self.

3. Audiobooks and podcasts

Even when you’re in a hurry or on the go: there’s always time to listen to an interesting podcast. Here are some of our recommendations, including inspiring audiobooks, holistic podcasts and ayurvedic lifestyle listens!

  • Our own Church of The Heart podcasts, of course! Every week, we host heartfelt talks with spiritual teachers, academics, and experts about interesting subjects. You can find us on Spotify.

  • Oprah Winfrey - What I Know For Sure. An audiobook about gratitude for life and personal growth.

  • OP ZOEK. An interesting podcast for all the Dutchies out there (or those who want to learn Dutch, while listening to interesting stories!). This podcast hosts different conversations with spiritual experts about finding your path.

  • Practice You - Eline Brower. A beautiful podcast built around the foundation of learning, listening, and changing.

  • Dream Freedom Beauty. Interested in holistic beauty? This podcast explores conscious themes surrounding Mother Earth and more.

  • Elements of Ayurveda. This is a very interesting listen for those who want to learn more about a healthy diet and lifestyle.

  • Moonwise. Inspiring conversations between women of power, who explore astrological themes.

  • Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth. Explore the power of now, and awakening to your bigger purpose. Listen to this incredible audiobook!

  • Ghost of a podcast. This one is all about astrology. Great if you want to learn more about the moons, planets, and stars!

4. Introduce new sustainable habits

The time is now to start changing our habits when it comes to waste, pollution, and unsustainability. Not just a mere resolution, but more so a change of habit. Try to introduce a new sustainable habit every month into your life. It could be difficult to completely change everything overnight, so let’s take in one thing at a time. Things you could start changing are, for example:

5. Continue taking long walks

2020 has been the year of walking and exploring nature. When everything was closed, and we were mostly stuck inside - those long walks in nature kept us grounded. After all, humans are mere animals - and our desire to see and be in nature is only natural. It calms us down and makes us feel enlightened. Try to continue taking these long walks, even when life has returned to normal. Take some quality me-time for yourself, and go out to explore and clear your head.

A good way to ‘force’ yourself to walk more, is by skipping your bike every now and then. Walk to the supermarket or your office (if it is manageable) and get your body moving.


6. Experiment with meditation

We can almost hear you frantically think “I am going to meditate every single day, for at least 20 minutes!”. Although we appreciate your enthusiasm, it might be wise to discover meditation at a slower pace. Especially if you want meditation to become a part of your routine, it is crucial to build up your practice steadily. Meditation, after all, is a very powerful tool when it comes to relaxing and calming down our minds. If you want to know more about the many health benefits of meditation, check out our article here where we explain in detail what meditation does for your brain and body.

Now then, how to get started? Here are some nice tips for you

  • You don’t need to sit down on a mat in order to meditate. You can do this anywhere you want. Even if you’re just taking a walk, make it a mindful one. Try to clear your mind from thoughts and only observe everything you see around you.

  • Before going to sleep, lie down on your bed and take a minute or two to listen to your breath. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Feel your chest and belly expand when you inhale, and getting flat when you exhale. Redirect all your attention to the sensation of your breath traveling in, and out of your body

  • No need for long meditative sessions. If you’re short on time, even a 5-minute meditation could be a great way to start your day.

  • Try meditating with an app, online class, or podcast. There are also many beautiful meditations out there to try out. Make this a year of exploring what suits you best and what makes you feel the most zen.

We wish you a very happy new year! May your year be blessed with new discoveries and love.

- Written by Suze van As