Ho’oponopono – A Hawaiian Healing Mantra

It’s often the simplest words that carry the most power. That’s certainly the case with the Hawaiian healing prayer Ho’oponopono. (pronounced; HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no)

Traditional Values

Originating from this tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean, the name defines amongst others as “making right”.

It is a tradition of singing that has brought healing and reconciliation to Hawaiian families for centuries. And it all starts from within: by restoring self-love and inner balance.

The best known part of the ritual is the mantra, but traditionally they include a lot of “authentic relating” as well. Everyone in the community takes to turn to speak their“Truth”’, until everyone feels tranquil.

The words of this peace-making mantra sound like this:

“I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”.

Short, yet cutting straight to the root of the matter. And it’s best to repeat this verse 108 times. It’s amazing how simple and universal the words are.

The ancient inhabitants of Hawaii practiced Ho’oponopono to ensure harmonious living in the communities. They believed that unhealthy relationships led to various illnesses and “bad luck”. And it all started with taking responsibility for your emotions and self reflection.

Wisdom behind the mantra

Not many people know that this ancient ritual is part of a school of psychology and healing practices named Huna. The teachings of this mystery school were present not only in Hawaii, but all over the world.

Scholars believe the first ideologies may have formed several thousand years B.C.! The system was all about balance and equal rights… but that’s a whole other article.

Ho’oponopono was common until the arrival of Christian missionaries. That’s when – yes, you guessed it – the ancient shamanic practice had to be preserved in secret. In the chants of the elders.

Luckily, in these times, the Earth is mysteriously reconnecting with these fragments of long-forgotten wisdom. And we are able to do these practices again.

Hoóponopono For Self Forgiveness

The magic in the simple mantra lies in recognizing our imperfection. And that it’s ok.

There are times, when each of us have forgotten to love ourselves, our brothers and sisters, or the planet. However, we see our wrong-doings and ask for forgiveness. This already brings a feeling of ease into our being.

The worst thing we can do is just “shove the matter under the carpet”, without the addressing the hurt. If we literally ask for forgiveness, this heals in a more wholesome way.

Holding Space for Emotions is Key

With the intention of being more loving in the future.

Yes, that means starting from being gentle towards ourselves. Next, gentle with those around us, and last – but not least – more mindful about how we treat the planet. What kind of eco-footprint we leave behind, for example.

After that, we go on to thanking our Higher Self, our community and Mother Earth for all the blessings… how we treat ourselves with compassion, all the joy and love we receive from others, and the abundance the planet provides us with on a daily basis. After recognizing all this beauty, we can transform our emotions to feeling love and gratitude for all. Isn’t it beautiful?

Science Behind the Wisdom

It’s just extraordinary how powerful these words have proved to be!

There was even a case where an alternative doctor healed an entire ward of mentally ill criminals in Hawaii. Over 18 months, the prison hospital completely transformed after Dr. Ihaleakalal Hew Len practiced Ho’oponopono.

Instead of confronting the dangerous patients one-by-one, he looked at their files, next he contemplated on what would’ve caused him as a person to commit such awful crimes. When he found the answer, we practiced Ho’oponopono. The hospital staff stopped living in fear, and the patients rediscovered themselves all over again.

Repetenence, Forgiveness, Grattitude, Love. Find these feelings within you and set yourself free!

Realize that people have been doing this practice for thousands of years, and every time you start the cumulative greatness of this art is expressed through you. You are the forward-edge of the wave that is moving endlessly forward pushed by the entire ocean of the past.

- Written by Michelle Prygiel