The Benefits of Yoga over Time

If you’re just getting into yoga, you might notice your body adapting to these new movements and breathing methods. But other than increasing your flexibility, yoga can do so much more for your body and mental health! In fact, the longer you continue your practice, the better you’ll feel. Keep on reading what benefits you’ll get overtime.

After Your First Class

Everything is new to you here, but you’ll feel welcome right from the start. Yoga, after all, is meant to be available to all levels! When you're at the right studio, the teachers will guide you and tell you exactly how to move while you learn the poses. It’s completely okay if you’re not flexible! Afterward, you might feel a little sore from stretching, but you can notice looser hamstrings and stronger shoulders.

One Week into your practice

About two or three yoga classes in, you’re starting to get the hang of it. You’ll start to feel more zen and can feel a bit more flexible and less tense. Four yoga classes in, however, you will probably see more drastic changes: such as better sleep, healthier skin, and toned muscles you didn’t know you had.

One Month into your practice

The breathwork techniques are really going to be paying off in your daily life now. When meeting stressful moments, you’re more likely to breathe calmly and handle things without getting overwhelmed. Other than a changed mindset, you’ll experience a stronger body and a boosted digestion thanks to all the body twists.

“It’s a way of life”

One Year into your practice

You might’ve heard people say yoga isn’t just an exercise, “It’s a way of life”. And this will be true for you if you continue your practice for over a year. It changed the way you breathe, it changed the way you focus and it definitely changed the way you move. You’ll feel more present and at peace and more adept at handling stress and confrontations. Other than a stronger core, improved balance, and better sleep, you’ll probably also feel more confident.

20+ Years into yoga

Now that yoga has become a part of you and your personality: yoga will feel as natural to you as breathing. It’s not likely you will ever stop doing yoga, as it has improved your life so much. Your body is stronger than most people your age and you’ll have an incredibly strong metabolism.

Improve body, mind & spirit

Even though yoga is an ancient practice, today’s science is yet to keep up with all these mentioned benefits. It is known to be one of the few practices that combine both physical and mental exercise. You learn to restrain the mind while focussing on three aspects:

  1. Physical postures

  2. Breathing exercises

  3. Spiritual contemplation

Even though research is still catching up, current studies show, that the specific stretching done in yoga classes, makes your muscles more elastic and reduces lower back pain.

Moreover, breathing techniques relieve lung diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. If this is already proved today, think of what else science can confirm in the future! For now, what matters most is the way yoga can improve your life by helping you focus on the present and improving your wellbeing - be that physical or mental.

Check out this informative video to find out more about the correlation between yoga & science.

Let’s Get Started

Eager to get started yourself? Or looking for a place to continue your practice in a safe environment with great teachers? The Conscious Club has something for everyone. Here are some tips on where to start:

  1. First class?
    We recommend trying a Morning Flow, Restorative Flow or Yin class to get to know the poses in a slow and relaxing pace.

  2. Got a bit more experience?
    Try your hand at Strala, Kundalini, Hatha, or Vinyasa. These classes go a bit faster and are a little bit more challenging pose wise.

  3. Looking for more depth and variety in your classes?
    The Conscious Club offers various special yoga classes each month. For example a Yoga & Psychology class, Acu Yin Yoga, musical Yoga & Handpan or even a lunar Full Moon Flow Yoga!

Check out the upcoming special yoga classes below.