New Moon in Pisces - The Time To Reach Your Goals

This Sunday, February 23rd of February, the next New Moon in Pisces will happen at 16:33 pm. This New Moon will be at the midpoint of Mars trine Uranus. This will bring opportunities to you and chances to develop new skills or talents to reach your full potential. The effects of the February new moon will last four weeks up until March 24th, when the next New Moon arrives.

What is a New Moon?

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Effects of the Pisces New Moon

Where the last New Moon in Aquarius was filled with challenge, extra responsibilities and less time and resources to get the job done - the New Moon in Pisces will reintroduce positive elements to help and guide you through this period. Luckily for us, this new moon is very well placed as it joins a fixed star called Fomalhaut and funnels positive energy from Mars and Uranus. This will ensure that you will enjoy personal benefits which means you won't have to work too hard to reach your goals. Neat, right?


Other Astrological Events

New Moon Sextile Mars
This New Moon Sextile Mars will bring you confidence, strength, vitality, and even courage to help you with physical activities. This is the perfect timing to recharge your body with new strength as you will notice you’ll be able to do more physically. The new energy that comes with this will help you when finishing up difficult work or tasks and will boost your self-assertiveness. And psst: this is a good moment to impress your superiors at work!

Regarding love, this New Moon phase will make sure it will bloom. Make sure you’re open to receive and give extra warmth and charisma - as you’re even more attractive these four weeks than usual. 

Sun Sextile Uranus
You will notice a pleasant period, where you will enjoy nice surprises or charming encounters. Just make sure you take this opportunity and seize the day with full force. Go ahead and make changes, experiment & socialize. This is an exciting period, after all!

Pisces season overall 

The Pisces season will start on February 19th and will end on March 20th, 2020. This astrological season will be like a comfortable warm bath after a cold snowstorm. Did you have a winter funk? You’ll be happy to hear that this Pisces Season will help you snap out of it. You’ll feel more creative, light and fun and enjoy more energy to do new things. You can feel a little more flirty or spontaneous this period - and we’ll encourage you to take your own impulses seriously and act on them.  

In short, this Pisces season is the time to recharge and explore! 

Are you ready for this fresh start? 

Come to our New Moon Healing Circle this Sunday, February 23th, from 16:30 - 17:30 and enjoy the power of the New Moon through Mantra meditation and Kundalini Yoga exercises.

- Written by Suze van As