Home Made Nut Milk Recipe


Home Made Nut Milk Recipe

Almond milk is a healthy and inexpensive alternative to conventional dairy that you can easily make at home! While the convenience of store-bought almond milk can be easy, it can also be fun to make it yourself. This way you can control the amount of sweetness and infuse flavors as well, as play around with the thickness. This recipe is perfect for cereal, baking or to drink with your coffee. Enjoy! 


  • 100g raw almonds (or any other kind of nut) + water to cover

  • 500ml of water

  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Soak the nuts by placing them in a bowl. Cover them with twice as much water and let it soak over night. 

  2. Rinse and place in a high speed blender together with 500 ml water and a pinch of salt. 

  3. Blend for a couple of minute. If you like it creamy, strain the milk through the nut bag until only some pulp is left. 

  4. Put the milk in a bottle and keep in the refrigerator for 3 days.