New Moon in Pisces


New Moon in Pisces

Tomorrow afternoon at 14:11 the new moon will rise over The Netherlands as many celebrate St Patrick’s Day. It signifies the start of the Pisces New Moon cycle, and the end of the Aquarius moon cycle. The perfect opportunity to take time to focus on yourself, and activities that connect you to your purpose.

It’s also the perfect opportunity for stargazing as there is little moonlight during a New Moon, meaning the stars really pop against the black of the night sky.

What’s the significance of this Pisces New Moon?

Cafe Astrology .com says;

“The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Fish. These include taking a leap of faith, accepting imperfections in ourselves and in others as a different kind of ‘perfection’. Starting a project that requires imagination and visualisation skills, consciously putting time aside for peaceful and rejuvenating activities, and sharing a dream with another. With this potent Pisces energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.”


Here are 3 ways that you can celebrate the new moon:

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  1. Connect with your deeper self through music

    Music is part of who we are at the deepest level-and we don't need any special talent or training to harness its power to enhance our lives. It is literally part of who we are - the associations we make between sound and memories is carried in our DNA.

    That’s why, at The Conscious Club we host a very special event called the Sound Journey ๑ Frank & Friends. Each month we invite Frank Klank, also known as the Mr. Singing Bowls of Amsterdam, and his friends to take our community through a special musical experience. Frank is the proud owner of 33 different singing bowls, which means he often hand selects a unique bowl to suit each Sound Journey.

    Singing bowls are known for their ability to heal one’s mind, body and soul. In the class you will experience a feeling of full relaxation and harmonic vibrations that are felt from head to toe!

    We recommend trying tonight’s class from 19:30 - 21:30 here at The Conscious Club with Frank Klank, playing the singing bowls and Laura Lotti playing the harp.
    You can buy tickets online here.

  2. Set goals, and work on inner development with a Moon Circle

    The New Moon signifies new beginnings which can sometimes feel overwhelming as the possibilities of next 28 days are limitless. To set your intention for the Pisces New Moon cycle, we recommend getting together with your friends to share ideas and find clarity in your greater purpose.

    Hosting a Moon Circle to harness the potent lunar power of the New Moon is an effective way to focus and learn to be present in that very moment.

    As Mindybodygreen says;

    “People come to moon circles to set intentions, clear energy, work through through something, gain clarity, and connect with themselves through communal energy.”

    Here you can find a step-by-step rundown on how you can create a memorable moon circle evening for you and your friends.

  3. Go forward on a mystical or spiritual pursuit

    When we are presented with a blank page we often find ourselves searching for ways to fill it. During the New Moon, we recommend taking the time to connect with your soul through a mystical or spiritual pursuit. This will help you clear your mind of clutter and focus on simplicity rather than pursuing several activities that don’t align with your purpose.

    If you’re looking for a spiritual practice, we recommended trying The Zen Special ๑ Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra this Saturday 17 March from 16:00 - 17:30 at The Conscious Club with Cristina Guerra.

    The class combines Yoga Nidra; a deep meditation technique with a restorative Yin Yoga practice. It will unlock new insights about your spirit, body, and mind. You will leave feeling recharged, with a fresh perspective that will lead you positively into the new season of Spring. You can buy tickets here.

    In case you looking for something different we also recommended trying New Moon Healing Circle this Saturday 17 March from 19:45 - 20:45 at The Conscious Club with Maaike Aker.

    Before we start with the meditation we spark of with some warming up Kundalini Yoga exercises, then we glide effortlessly into this beautiful, transformative and healing meditation circle. During this meditation we hold hands in an unbroken circle using specific call and response chants to generate healing vibrations. Be astonished by the energy that will be generated by the group, all connecting in an unbroken circle generating healing vibrations for those in circle and at a distance, all chanting with the intention of healing, and to sent into the universe. This truly is a profound meditation experience…
    You can buy tickets here.

It’s a special weekend for stargazers

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Sunday 18 March is also a significant day in astrology. We will witness ‘The Year’s Best Conjunction’ with the rare sighting of Mercury, Venus and the Moon all at once. These three planets are the closest to Earth, meaning you won’t have to use a telescope to see them. They will be shining bright (provided that it’s a clear night sky).

The Old Farmer’s Almanac says:

“If it’s clear on Sunday a half hour after sunset, get to a place with an absolutely unobstructed view toward where the sun has set. Look low just above the horizon and you’ll see a hair-thin New Moon. As the sky darkens, there will come a moment when you’ll easily catch the Moon and also notice that a brilliant star floats to its upper right. This is Venus returning after a one-year absence. And to the upper right of Venus is yet another star and this is orange Mercury.”

So get out there and bask in the lunar power and glory of the New Moon. Spend some time looking inward to reconnect with what makes you happy and set your sights on a positive month ahead! Happy new moon!


This Week in Astrology
A New Moon Is Coming — and That Means Next-level Stargazing
St. Patrick's Day New Moon Accompanied by Venus, Mercury at Sunset
Moon Phases for Amsterdam, 9 Mar 2018 – 31 Mar 2018
Moon Circles: Your Guide To Harnessing Potent Lunar Energy