November Full Moon in Gemini: Move Through Uncertainty With Flexibility

This November Full Moon, occurring on Monday the 30th of November at 10:29 AM in Amsterdam, is not a regular Full Moon. This Gemini Full Moon is characterized by being a lunar eclipse - which has many different astrological properties. This Full Moon is charged with the opposing forces of the Sun and the Moon and will bring us many different inner changes and urges.

Full Moon Meaning

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.

During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach its peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships. Our Full Moon Healing Circle is a great way to connect with a community, to reflect, and to heal yourself from within!

The Meaning of a Lunar Eclipse

When the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, we can witness a Lunar Eclipse happening in the night sky. This happens when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or closely aligned. Because of it’s red color, Lunar Eclipses are also referred to as Blood Moons. No direct sunlight hits the moon when this happens, but how can it still be seen if no sunlight reaches its surface? This is actually thanks to the lunar surface being refracted by the Earth’s atmosphere. Just like a sunset or sunrise, this color appears slightly reddish.

Other than the moon’s form, the lunar eclipse makes our emotions and instincts peak. This will guide you towards a good path, and might even help you overcome relationship challenges. It is a great time for an unbiased examination of your friendships and relationships. It will feel great to clear away the emotional baggage you don’t need anymore.

What to expect from this full moon?

Intense Polarities

  • As mentioned earlier, the Sun opposite Moon ensures that this Full Moon is a highly charged one. Your home, family, and relationships will be brought into sharper focus. In addition, opposite aspects of your life may start to interfere with one another. For example, when your private- and work life get mixed up and create inner conflict. Beware of recognizing when this happens as it can be quite energy draining.

  • Intense feelings may also result in something rather more positive! You can experience increased emotional strength and intuition - which can guide you to a more impartial outlook on your relationships. You might realize something new, or find a certain pattern you can change for the better. Trust your instincts, it will bring you great insights!

Love, Affection & Tension

  • Thanks to Moon quincunx Venus, feelings of - and need for love will increase. You might notice an imbalance regarding emotional support and (self-)love. This can be frustrating for you, so try not to reach out to means such as drugs or sweets to comfort yourself.

  • Another sense of imbalance might be related to your family, and especially to your mother. It could be possible that you’ve been feeling distant, or perhaps even overly possessive or protective. It is wise to address these issues in order to focus on restoring your connection.

  • In addition, Venus opposite Uranus could include change and uncertainty in love relationships and finances. When those things are challenged, it may cause tension and anxiety. If you’re currently in a relationship, you can expect to feel an increased need for freedom. Be careful of making erratic decisions that causes more drama than it’s worth.

  • On the positive side, however, new love blossoms in the energy of the Full Moon. New romance is exciting and meeting new different kinds of people will be a great experience.

Hard to Relax & Self-Express

  • Sun quincunx Uranus causes nerves, tension and even anxiety. You will feel this sense of change, but rather than exciting, it can feel quite scary to you. Especially if you’ve been feeling restricted or bored as of late, these sudden changes may cause you to feel overpowered. You might have to adapt your routine and behavior accordingly.

  • The key to deal with this with the least amount of stress possible is ‘flexibility’. You need to adapt swiftly and adjust rather than stay rigid when change is daunting upon you. Even if it’s the slightest change. Who knows, you might realize you don’t mind the new position you’re in after all?

  • Try to make time for yourself, time to do absolutely nothing. We’re not talking about watching series on the couch in the evening or taking a walk through the park- we’re talking about just being and doing nothing. This really gives your mind some time to fully relax and unwind. Once you start feeling bored you’ll notice you’ll feel more eager to take on something new and exciting.

Power of the stars: honor, destructiveness, justice, and creativity

This Full Moon is characterized by the influence of various fixed stars. All have different properties. It is good to take them into consideration to sense their influence in your life.

  • Moon conjunct star Aldebaran. Aldebaran is positioned in the Eye of the Bull. This predicts riches, honor, intelligence, integrity, and gain of power and wreath through others. However, it’s benefits rarely have any lasting influence. When you gain some sense of success, be that power of financially, make sure to not become riotous about it - because you may not know how long it lasts.

  • Sun conjunct star Antares. A rather destructive influence can be traced back to Antares in the Heart of the Scorpion. Malevolence, headstrongness, rashness, and danger might occur. This could be positive for people who have jobs that require them to be brave, but for most, it could cause destructiveness.

  • Venus conjunct star Acrux. This star works on your intuition and gives religious beneficence. You could feel more connected to mystical means or religions.

  • Venus conjunct star Alphecca. Feeling extra creative or loving? This could be due to Alphecca and Venus! Get painting, deepen your connections or create music. All will do you justice.

In Summary

The Lunar Eclipse is not only connected to the Sun, and Earth, but also to Venus and Uranus. A lot of opposite factors will create unbalance in your life. From uncertainty in (love) relationships until your finances. Everything can end up being upside down for a while. Feelings of tension and anxiety can start to overwhelm you - and all these planets and stars add an extra edge to these emotions.

Try to be flexible, ride along with the waves you find on your path. Don’t be too stubborn and try to embrace the changes that present themselves to you.

Want to fully embrace the energy of the Full Moon? Join us on Saturday the 28th of November for our Full Moon Healing Circle, or on Sunday the 29th of November for the Full Moon Yoga Flow for an energizing practice.