New Moon in Aquarius - A Wind Of Change

On the 24th of January 2020 at 22:44 we will have the New Moon in Aquarius at 4º 22 in Amsterdam. This New Moon will square Uranus and this will increase the powers of this New Moon. The effects of the January 24 new moon last four weeks up to the February 23 new moon. 

What is a New Moon?
A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Effects of the Aquarius New Moon
Just like the first Full Moon of the year, the first New Moon will be a challenging one. This is partly due to the fact that it is on the heels of the Saturn Pluto Conjunction. This brought us some strong energy, forcing us to focus on the area of life that’s no longer working for us and holding on to the things serving us. During this time, you could have felt some extra responsibilities with less time and resources to get the job done. It is not unlikely to feel a bit bound after this period. 

New Moon square Uranus can bring us anxiety, unexpected change, and uncertainty. A build-up of tension can result in mood swings and unpredictable behavior. The best way to handle these unexpected changes is with open-mindedness. Rather ask yourself why not? instead of asking yourself why?  It is time to be fearless and be proactive about positive change. Changes in your personal appearance or attitude could lead to a brave new path that opens your life to many more possibilities and opportunities. This New Moon is also ideal for breaking bad habits and addictions. It would satisfy your strong urge to break free of restriction and assert your independence.  It is the perfect time to release ourselves from the bounded feeling we experienced during the Saturn Pluto. 

In general, this New Moon will guide us to view our lives from different perspectives. It is time to let go of the anxiety and uncertainty we might be feeling. To be open to change and just let everything come as it is. 

Other astrological events
Next to the New Moon square Uranus we have some other astrological events: 

  • Venus square Mars
    Venus square Mars on 26 January can cause some difficulties in relations because of sexual or competitive tension. It could really make you feel more impulsive and aggressive. If you’re dating be aware to not lower your standards, just because of your impatient lust. 

  •  Mercury sextile Mars 
    Mercury sextile Mars on 25 January can give you quick reflexes needed to react to unexpected changes.  You can feel driven to achieve a lot of work in a short amount of time. The willingness to take daring actions you wouldn’t normally take will increase as well.  You can achieve a lot of work in a short amount of time, with the courage and fighting spirit to take on just about anything.

  • Venus sextile Jupiter
    Venus sextile Jupiter on 23 January brings warmth, love, and understanding. You will also be likely to be in a generous mood and not greedy at all. It shows genuine prospects of genuine and mutually beneficial new love and partnerships. Socializing will go easy as your charisma will be increased. 

The New Moon will occur 24-01-2020 on 22:44:11 at 4º 22. A lot of double digits and a powerful presence of the numbers 2 and 4. In numerology, these numbers all have significant meanings.  

The number 22 is a master number in numerology, which means that it has an extraordinarily powerful vibration. 22 is a sign that you are in reach of the highest spiritual attainment. The number can also be read as an expression of number 4, as 2 + 2 equals 4, the number of the earth. It is the number of hard works, effort, and inner-wisdom. It is a number that brings us encouragement and inner-strength. 

The number 44 amplifies the energy and symbolism of the number 4 and it also symbolizes grounding. 44 can also be read as the number 8, since 4 + 4 equals 8. The number 8 is generally read as indicating material abundance and career success. It resonates with manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity and inner-wisdom. 

The number 11 is a master number just like the number 22. 11 is connected to spirituality, creativity, and intuition. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding and spiritual truths. The number 11 can also be interpreted as the number 2. The number 2 is associated with love, forgivingness, and gentleness. It is also related to responsibility and working hard to achieve your goals. 

The numerology of the time and date is mostly focused on intuition and working hard. The New Moon is the perfect time to act on your intuition and creativity and to let everything come as it is. Next to this, the energy of hard work and effort is also present. We can expect a time of some hard (inner) work to really accept the change that is needed for us in order to reach our goals! 

Aquarius season overall 
This Aquarius season is a time for a change. A change in mindset. It might be hard after the past astrological events, but this Aquarius season is all about seeing the bigger picture. We have to realize that we’re part of a whole. Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and it reminds us of the importance of thinking about others and the fact that everything we do has an influence on life on this planet. We all have the responsibility to make this world better for every human, plant, and animal. 

In short, this Aquarius season is time to change our perspectives on our own lives and the world around us! 

Tune to the power of the New Moon in Aquarius, during our New Moon Healing Circle this Thursday 23 January from 16:30 – 17:30 at The Conscious Club with Maaike Aker. We hope to see you there!