What’s Brewing in Your Cup?

Its aroma is irresistible. So many people cannot imagine starting a day without it. Is coffee flawless in its perfection? Like a modern day beverage of the Gods... or should we consume it mindfully? We can’t deny how great it tastes (when good quality). There are also many health qualities. Coffee is full of antioxidants, which reduce the risk of many diseases. The media claim that drinking up to 4 cups per day is within the norm, but we disagree.

Benefits of Coffee

What is coffee good for? Drinking this luscious brew can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, strokes, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, as with any type of product we consume, it’s a good idea to keep moderation. According to our experience, drinking maximum 2 cups per day max (one cup has around 100mg of caffeine) works best. This way, you can enjoy your coffee and let it wake you up – instead of over stimulating your system.


Don’t Push the Limit

Also, we should be careful that we are not replacing quality sleep (from 6-8 hours for adults) with the artificial sensation of feeling rested after coffee. This has become a inseparable part of the “toxic masculine” working culture. To clarify, we don’t point the finger here at menWhat we mean is the energies... every being has both masculine and feminine energies, which need to be balanced to stay healthy on all levels. Similarly, with work attitudes. The toxic masculine working culture is all about pushing your limits and neglecting your body’s needs for the sake of profitability.

All we’re saying is “listen to your body!”.

If you are tired, create space in your agenda to rest. And sleep it off, instead of fooling your body that the problem’s not there. Your mood will improve and your work will be more effective.

Every Body is Different

If you are a sensitive person, you may decide to replace strong coffee (while indulging in the occasional treat, because it’s just so good...) with alternatives. It’s all about the feeling. You may swap an espresso with a latte, or with other exciting options in the morning. Just feel into your body after consuming each beverage, and note whether it makes you feel good - or not. Easy as that. Only you can tell what serves you, and that is SO IMPORTANT.

Listen to Your Higher Self

Drinking too much caffeine can get you shaky, interfere with your sleeping patterns (no caffeine up to 6 hours before calling it a night), cause headaches, increase irritability, and leave you with heart palpitations. We’re pretty sure you’ve experienced it before! At the Conscious Club, we have a delicious coffee sort from Lot61 (amazinngg...) also available in decaf. So if regular coffee is too much for you before meditation, we suggest going for that option.

During the day, many of us feel the urge for a warm drink – more than once or twice – what to drink then? Below, we have provided a list of coffee alternatives you can make at home. Some of them are also available at the club!


1. Matcha (Latte)

A type of green tea, where the leaves are finely ground and whisked into hot water. The leaves are grown in the shade which increases the amount of chlorophyll in the plant. This drink has heaps of antioxidants, and less caffeine than coffee (Matcha has 19-44 mg per gram). Drinking it every day can help you lose weight. Brewing Matcha is a ceremony in itself. You can purchase special Matcha brewing sets at De Tuinen or online. And, it’s available at the club!

2. Tumeric (Latte)

Otherwise, known as “golden milk”. If you had your share of coffees for the day, a turmeric latte is a delicious alternative. We suggest drinking it with foamed oat milk. You won’t find any caffeine in this hot drink, but so many health benefits...

Did you know that turmeric improves heart health and prevents Alzheimer’s disease? It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and works as an antioxidant. You can purchase the powder at Holland & Barrett, Ekoplaza or Marqt. Or, at the gardenoflife.nl. And, of course, at our studio...

3. Mushroom Coffee


Does it taste good? – you may wonder... will it change my perception? No, no... mushroom coffee is a blend of regular coffee and one of the following fungi: reishi, maitake, chaga, or lion’s mane. They are not hallucinogenicand have been consumed for their medicinal properties since the beginning of time. Drinking mushroom coffee helps boost your immune system, and has the caffeine equivalent of half a cup of coffee. Check out Four Sigmatic blend mixes available at health food stores.

4. Yerba Matte

Originating from South America, this energizing drink is made from the leaves of a type of holly tree. It was popular already with the indigenous inhabitants of Argentina and Brazil. It has many wonderful effects on the body, including (takes a breath in): lowering the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer... (gasps out). Quite a list there! Research showed that Yerba Matte:

"contains practically all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life."

The serving method is unique and a ritual in itself. Check out this video to learn how to brew your matte:

5. Chicory Coffee

A caffeine-free alternative to coffee made from roasted and ground chicory roots. This plant produces not only beautiful flowers – the drink tastes very similar to actual coffee and is enjoyed with milk (traditionally), or substitutes like oat milk since the 19th century. It’s a natural source of inulin, a prebiotic fiber that can assist weight loss and improve gut health. Available at most supermarkets.

- Written by Michelle Prygiel