January Full Moon in Leo: Creativity & (Sometimes Explosive) Self-Expression

The next Full Moon appears in Amsterdam on Thursday the 28th of January at 20:16 PM. This Full Moon is dealing with the influence of Mars and Jupiter, and in astrology, we know that this often relates to anger but also protecting yourself from becoming lost in your enthusiasm. Let us have a look at this new phase of the moon!

Full Moon Meaning

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.

During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach their peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships.

What to Expect?


1. Hard to Relax

The influence of Mars is going to be prominent. And whereas they include action, achievement, fighting spirit and reaching goals, Mars is also known for it’s irascibility. In addition, there are no contrasting planets there to create balance or make way for another sound. This could result in a very turbulent time for you, with mixed feelings of tenseness, hot-headedness, anger and passionate desires. All of these present emotions will not help you get a good night’s rest, as it can get tricky to calm your mind.

2. Courage & Control

There is no need to holding onto anger as this might result in explosive outbursts that could not only harm you but also your loved ones. However, it would be wise to take control of your emotions as well as you can. Try to explain as calmly as you can, what is causing you to feel this way. Sharing such raw feelings can be hard, but also hearing you caused others harm will be difficult. Try to keep a clear head when given negative feedback, and be reasonable.

This also requires quite a lot of courage from your end. It might be time to really face that what’s been causing you harm for a while. Time to really see what’s behind your anger, tantrums, or other emotional troubles. Rest assured, however painful it may be, you will get out of it more the wiser.



1. Lack of Self-Control

The Full Moon stands opposite Jupiter. Feelings of happiness, generousity and social needs can become more apparent. However, you must beware of overconfidence and lack of self-control. You must be really cautious of this, as the negative influence of Mars is stronger than Jupiter’s brightness.

2. Scandal

That doesn’t sound too great either, doesn’t it? But we are all at risk of revealing something private, that could lead to some form of embarrassment. Whether your kindness is being taken advantage of, or seen as a weakness… You will feel some emotional discomfort because of it. Maybe this is presented to you in feelings of jealousy, obsessions or addictions. At least you are prewarned to be able to deal properly with those feelings.

3. Bravado

Normally, when Mars square Jupiter arrives, we feel more couragedn and ready to take initiative. Starting a new project could be a part of this. You’ll feel the need to take a large-scale risk, but we ask you to not trust this misleading overconfidence, as impulsive and reckless choices hardly lead to success. Instead, rethink those huge steps you were planning to take. Even if you just sleep on it for one more extra night - your patience will pay off!



Besides Jupiter and Mars, this Full Moon also deals with Venus conjunct Pluto and Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith. They could result in empowered feelings of affection, attraction and even desire. You might feel more need for love, and use everything in your power to get it. And although we want to promote more love in the world, make sure to steer away from manipulating techniques to get what you want. Overall, you will noticed an increased sex drive and urge to make daring choices. Perhaps even experimenting a little is a part of your new sexual awakening..?


There’s a chance you are met with big changes in your life - changes you have zero influence on. From feeling limited in your freedom, or feeling frustrations rise when you feel powerless. Nobody likes to be presented with unwelcome changes, but if we stay patient, flexible, and appreciative to our fellow humans - we could be able to remove ourselves from negativity.

In Summary

Yes, it will be a difficult Full Moon for many of us. The tense influence of Mars is going to leave us feeling a little bit explosive and thoughtless. But, if we stride through the next few weeks with patience and courage: we might discover some of our deepest and rawest feelings. Having an issue with someone in your life? Talk it out calmly. You both will feel better and chances are you’re learning something new about yourself. Rest assured, also bad times will pass and will only make us stronger in the end!