New Moon In Libra - Love & Change Are In The Air

Summer officially ends on September 23 and about one week later we will experience the first dark night of the first new moon cycle since the autumnal equinox on September 22. On Saturday 28 September at 8:26 PM Amsterdam time the new moon will be with 5°20’ in Libra. 

Long story short: The new moon in Libra energises your whole month. Now it is a perfect time for changes and reflections. The powerful energy of the Libra new moon presents you opportunities to reevaluate your lifestyle choices, launch new projects and make changes you have always dreamed of.  Plus, this new moon is going to feel especially romantic and makes you feel that love is in the air!

What does a New Moon mean to us?

A new moon always represents the end of one lunar cycle and marks the beginning of new cycle of 28 days. The sun conjunct moon typically provides us with an invigorating burst of energy, motivation and initiative.

Accordingly, the new moon can be seen as time of rebirths and new beginnings. It is an ideal time questioning old beliefs, behaviours and habits and search for new ways to make progress or a completely fresh start. 

New Moon in Libra 

Despite every new moon can be seen as symbolisation of new beginnings, the cardinal air energy of Libra makes this new moon an especially powerful time for changes. 

new moon libra the conscious club

The cardinal star signs are Aries (fire), Cancer (water), Libra (air) and Capricorn (earth). These signs are provided with especially strong initiatory forces and mark the beginning of each of the four solar seasons which begins with Aries in spring and ends with Capricorn in winter. 

Libra season kicks off on September 23 which officially marks the beginning of autumn. In that sense, the air energy of Libra brings a special wind of change and is going to feel particularly romantic, exciting, flexible and social. Consequently, the Libra new moon presents us opportunities to deepen our social relationships and to let ourselves guide by love and intuition. 

This shift in energy is especially noticeable after the full moon in Pisces from two weeks ago that left us feeling rather emotional and heavy. Beyond that, the Libra new moon this Saturday makes some planetary aspects that brings us further love, enjoyment and good fortune. 

Harmonious Star Zaniah

The social and loving influence of this new moon is even more strengthened by the harmonious fixed star Zaniah, a triple star system on the upper left arm of the Virgo constellation. The Zaniah star is associated with refinement, honour, congeniality, order and lovable nature. The combination with a new moon gives particular educational interests, popularity, social success, pleasure and is above that, favourable for marriage. 

Venus sextile Jupiter

Next to the new moon itself, Venus sextile Jupiter is the strongest planetary aspect in this lunar constellation and provides a whole range of opportunities and benefits for those seeking happiness and romance. The warm energy of this constellation is excellent for partying and making love. Due to its ability to increase our popularity, generosity, charisma and sex appeal, this new moon will make you a loving person and can let us experience genuine friendship and true love. 

But there are even more good news: The good fortune brought to us through this planetary aspect is not also restricted to our love and social life, but also apply to finances, long-distance travel, education, business and legal matters! 

New Moon quincunx Uranus

However, despite all the positive and loving energy possible changes do not happen all by themselves and  the moon quincunx Uranus requests us to get active. This planetary aspect can sometimes make us feel tensed and anxious regarding the transformative energies of the Libra new moon, while simultaneously strengthens these energies by symbolising a time to actively change behaviours, routines and plans.

It could be that new developments make us feel sensations of boredom or dissatisfaction that we were not aware before and forces us to make changes in our love and social life. Otherwise, it could also be that new developments in our love and social life require us to make adjustments in other aspects of life. 

While the initiative force of these changes can lie in an intuitive quest for more creative self-expression and freedom, it can also be taken over by unexpected events or people with some power over you. 

Libra Star Sign

Cardinal star signs are typically sociable, outgoing, always looking for new projects and in their best element when they’re running the show. So like all cardinal star signs, Libras love to take initiatives and are engaged with the world in a dynamic way.

At the same time, each star sign presents itself to the world in different and unique ways, which mostly depends on the element they are associated with. Libras are not only particularly creatively and mentally focussed, but their cardinal air energy also brings a balancing force amongst people so that Libras are constantly seeking out balance and diplomacy. In general, Libra is probably the most partnership-oriented sign of the whole zodiac which is particularly strengthened by the fact that its ruling planet is the gentle and lovely Venus which sets love, romance, beauty and aesthetics in the focus of Libras. 

Do it all in the name of love

During the new moon in Libra it is recommended to simply cut what it unnecessary from our agendas and to do lists to fully focus on our main priorities and social connections. Through that, we will get a deeper understanding of how precious and valuable our time is and what the best way is for us to spend it. Creative self-expression or journaling is always favoured as it can help us to gain clarity of our thoughts and feeling. 

new moon libra the conscious club

Generally speaking, the Libra New Moon encourages us to embrace changes and be open for new ways and directions. Certain tensions and emotions caused by the quincunx with Uranus gives us insight into how we feel about our social life and how we want to be engaged in social relationships, romantically, professionally as well as and with friends. During this time we will make decisions about relationships and in which ways we want to commit to them. 

In that sense, the new moon in Libra is a good time  for dating, starting a new love relationship or getting engaged or married. However, as always, stay connected to your intuition and listen to your inner self: You don’t need to totally change direction. Doing something a slightly different way could possibly already make all the difference and life a little easier. But, don’t you think that making adjustments in other areas of life for the sake of love will turn out as a wonderful change?

Happy New Moon!

Organs Influenced by this New Moon:

  • Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin as an organ of touch, pancreas, insulin, glucagon

  • These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care


Make the most out of this powerful energy of change

Join us for a magical New Moon meditation evening this Saturday, 28 September at 16:30 where we let go of the old and make room for the new. In this intimate ceremony we will form a “Healing Ring of Tantra” and practice the transformative Kirtan Kriya, or “Sa Ta Na Ma” meditation, which is a core component of Kundalini yoga. This technique, as well as other chanting, visualisation and meditative exercises, will clear your psyche, balance your body, and purify from within. Following this ceremony you will feel balanced, centred, and re-energised. 

new moon libra the conscious club

Written by Annika Heinemeyer


The Oprah Magazine

Astrology King

Forever Conscious
