
Illuminate / Illuminati


(trigger warning)

This is an old picture of me, I think I was about 28 years old at that time. Little did I know that my life would soon change drastically after my grandmother on my mother's side died.

In the run up of her death, in a series of events, we found out some uncomfortable truths about abuse connected to my grandfather. We never confronted her about this on her death bed, but when she passed, it was as if a veil of hypnoses and family secrets released, and all that was hidden for years, finally came to the surface.

My grandparents had a big house on a dune, overlooking the golf course in Wassenaar, I always felt this to be a bit of a creepy place, and the organ piano upstairs, certainly didn't help with any good vibes.

One day, as we helped emptying the house, we attended to the bookshelf, and as we start removing books, my cousin and I suddenly found this black book with red letters saying Spiritism on it. We opened it and it said for Henk jr (my grandfather) on his 19th birthday from his dad.

It was a book filled with black magic, with guidance about body take-overs and many other dark rituals. It also had weird newspaper articles in it, about how the royal orchestra at the Kurhaus was taken over and how they suddenly started to play completely off. We got scared and quickly closed the book.

That book was the opening door to the discovery of the rest of my dark family past, one mind blowing revelation after the other would fall into place like a puzzle. I never knew that my family was so deep into the subject of spirituality, let alone in dark magic.

I learned that my great grandmother was a powerful "medium" and had advised queen Juliana and other influential families, or that my lineage goes all the way back to masonic Dunse Lodge 23 in Scotland. Everything that was a blur for all these years, including my own spiritual abilities, finally started to make sense.

And even though this whole period was exposing so much horrific information, I never felt more carried, supported and alive. A great team of professionals supported me through that period of time, and when all the mystery of your life finally falls into place, deep healing can occur. And it did.

The day I found out my lineage was connected to the illuminati, was the day I stepped into my own illumination. It was the moment where all black magic blockages within me were starting to dissolve and I could step into my full power.

They say your scars become your expertise. All of this darkness I endured, gave me many insights about the duality of dark and light. And my life path to discover and undo myself of these old spiritual practices, now allowed me to work as a healer on this complex subject.

It’s no secret that the dynamics of “good” and “evil” have been connected to spiritual, religious and cultural practices since the beginning of time. As of today, most movies and books are still based on the interaction between a villain and a hero. And luckily, in our quest called life, our wish to be a good human being is what comes forth most of the time. But we cannot deny that pure evil in this world exists, and that it always has.

And when we don’t allow to shed light on shadow sides, whether it’s our own, or someone else’s, we can’t change that dynamic. By denying what’s in front of us, we allow it to stay the way it has always been. And when you do what you always did, you get what you always got. It’s stagnant energy. We’re stuck.

Life is energy in motion, if you watch Nature, it never stops its mission to keep growing into something beautiful and grand, as an individual, but also as a collective. It will adapt to harsh conditions, accept whatever the situation, and never lose the end goal in sight. Some will make it and some will not, but every animal, plant or tree knows what its purpose is here on Earth, and will do what it always does.

Able to search and receive the nurture they need to grow their own unique being, a curious and playful mindset to learn from their elders and each other, trusting their ability to blossom into someone beautiful, the patience and awareness that good things take time, the inner intelligence to never take more than they need, and therefore allowing a natural balance where everyone in the ecosystem benefits.

Artificial distractions are keeping us away from our connection to the here and now, and the more we step away from natural flow, while turning a blind eye to the core of our inner needs, the more we are losing our curious and playful mindset. The more we start to compare ourselves with others online, the more we are distrusting our ability to blossom into someone beautiful. And the more we are flooded with the next hip-influencer-life coach and self-proclaimed Shaman, the more we sell into the promise of a quick external fix that will solve all of our life problems.

The further we head away from our destiny to step into our illuminated self, out of fear of judgement, rejection or need to change, the further we are from living our true purpose, from healing ourselves and the collective energy.

As a society we are clearly at a crossing point, where opposites are getting extremer by the day. If you are not left, you are right. If you are not pro, you are against. If you chose one thing from a spectrum, you’ve chosen all of that spectrum. 

The nuance of understanding our limited capacity of comprehending the universe as a whole, has taken away all of our life’s curiosity and playfulness.

When we don’t wonder and play, we won’t discover the magic that’s all around us. That’s always been all around us, for centuries, shown in old folklore, in the diversity of nature, or just by being in the right place at the right time and even now, as you are probably meant to read this message. Everything in life is energy and in the web of frequencies and vibrations we are all connected.

With the continuous patterns of re-enacting old trauma’s and leaning into victimhood, making ourselves the centre of this universe and taking ourselves too seriously, we have missed the point to step out of our prison of limited beliefs. Not taking the opportunity to have fun and explore our unlimited multidimensional self instead.

Much of what we encounter as problematic today, has the opportunity to be dissolved and turned into something positive. And most of the answers that we are looking for are right in front of us.

In the past year, I have been building my life towards more slow-living, but recently I got clear instructions to teach as many people as I can about authentic spirituality and how to connect and work with our multidimensional self.

I was always a bit reluctant to share sacred information, because with great power comes great responsibility and I always wanted this information to be in the right hands. But with the green light from my guides, it made me rethink the purpose of it all, and if this information needs to be shared with as many people as possible, I must make it accessible for all.  

Therefore, I have decided to make the sharing of my knowledge completely open for anyone to learn. Trusting that whatever flows from this experience, will get into the right hands, with the right people, who are willing to reflect, learn and integrate all of the magic, fun and connection this life has to offer us.

I’m looking forward to this next chapter.

Much love,
