Illuminate / Illuminati


(trigger warning)

This is an old picture of me, I think I was about 28 years old at that time. Little did I know that my life would soon change drastically after my grandmother on my mother's side died.

In the run up of her death, in a series of events, we found out some uncomfortable truths about abuse connected to my grandfather. We never confronted her about this on her death bed, but when she passed, it was as if a veil of hypnoses and family secrets released, and all that was hidden for years, finally came to the surface.

My grandparents had a big house on a dune, overlooking the golf course in Wassenaar, I always felt this to be a bit of a creepy place, and the organ piano upstairs, certainly didn't help with any good vibes.

One day, as we helped emptying the house, we attended to the bookshelf, and as we start removing books, my cousin and I suddenly found this black book with red letters saying Spiritism on it. We opened it and it said for Henk jr (my grandfather) on his 19th birthday from his dad.

It was a book filled with black magic, with guidance about body take-overs and many other dark rituals. It also had weird newspaper articles in it, about how the royal orchestra at the Kurhaus was taken over and how they suddenly started to play completely off. We got scared and quickly closed the book.

That book was the opening door to the discovery of the rest of my dark family past, one mind blowing revelation after the other would fall into place like a puzzle. I never knew that my family was so deep into the subject of spirituality, let alone in dark magic.

I learned that my great grandmother was a powerful "medium" and had advised queen Juliana and other influential families, or that my lineage goes all the way back to masonic Dunse Lodge 23 in Scotland. Everything that was a blur for all these years, including my own spiritual abilities, finally started to make sense.

And even though this whole period was exposing so much horrific information, I never felt more carried, supported and alive. A great team of professionals supported me through that period of time, and when all the mystery of your life finally falls into place, deep healing can occur. And it did.

The day I found out my lineage was connected to the illuminati, was the day I stepped into my own illumination. It was the moment where all black magic blockages within me were starting to dissolve and I could step into my full power.

They say your scars become your expertise. All of this darkness I endured, gave me many insights about the duality of dark and light. And my life path to discover and undo myself of these old spiritual practices, now allowed me to work as a healer on this complex subject.

It’s no secret that the dynamics of “good” and “evil” have been connected to spiritual, religious and cultural practices since the beginning of time. As of today, most movies and books are still based on the interaction between a villain and a hero. And luckily, in our quest called life, our wish to be a good human being is what comes forth most of the time. But we cannot deny that pure evil in this world exists, and that it always has.

And when we don’t allow to shed light on shadow sides, whether it’s our own, or someone else’s, we can’t change that dynamic. By denying what’s in front of us, we allow it to stay the way it has always been. And when you do what you always did, you get what you always got. It’s stagnant energy. We’re stuck.

Life is energy in motion, if you watch Nature, it never stops its mission to keep growing into something beautiful and grand, as an individual, but also as a collective. It will adapt to harsh conditions, accept whatever the situation, and never lose the end goal in sight. Some will make it and some will not, but every animal, plant or tree knows what its purpose is here on Earth, and will do what it always does.

Able to search and receive the nurture they need to grow their own unique being, a curious and playful mindset to learn from their elders and each other, trusting their ability to blossom into someone beautiful, the patience and awareness that good things take time, the inner intelligence to never take more than they need, and therefore allowing a natural balance where everyone in the ecosystem benefits.

Artificial distractions are keeping us away from our connection to the here and now, and the more we step away from natural flow, while turning a blind eye to the core of our inner needs, the more we are losing our curious and playful mindset. The more we start to compare ourselves with others online, the more we are distrusting our ability to blossom into someone beautiful. And the more we are flooded with the next hip-influencer-life coach and self-proclaimed Shaman, the more we sell into the promise of a quick external fix that will solve all of our life problems.

The further we head away from our destiny to step into our illuminated self, out of fear of judgement, rejection or need to change, the further we are from living our true purpose, from healing ourselves and the collective energy.

As a society we are clearly at a crossing point, where opposites are getting extremer by the day. If you are not left, you are right. If you are not pro, you are against. If you chose one thing from a spectrum, you’ve chosen all of that spectrum. 

The nuance of understanding our limited capacity of comprehending the universe as a whole, has taken away all of our life’s curiosity and playfulness.

When we don’t wonder and play, we won’t discover the magic that’s all around us. That’s always been all around us, for centuries, shown in old folklore, in the diversity of nature, or just by being in the right place at the right time and even now, as you are probably meant to read this message. Everything in life is energy and in the web of frequencies and vibrations we are all connected.

With the continuous patterns of re-enacting old trauma’s and leaning into victimhood, making ourselves the centre of this universe and taking ourselves too seriously, we have missed the point to step out of our prison of limited beliefs. Not taking the opportunity to have fun and explore our unlimited multidimensional self instead.

Much of what we encounter as problematic today, has the opportunity to be dissolved and turned into something positive. And most of the answers that we are looking for are right in front of us.

In the past year, I have been building my life towards more slow-living, but recently I got clear instructions to teach as many people as I can about authentic spirituality and how to connect and work with our multidimensional self.

I was always a bit reluctant to share sacred information, because with great power comes great responsibility and I always wanted this information to be in the right hands. But with the green light from my guides, it made me rethink the purpose of it all, and if this information needs to be shared with as many people as possible, I must make it accessible for all.  

Therefore, I have decided to make the sharing of my knowledge completely open for anyone to learn. Trusting that whatever flows from this experience, will get into the right hands, with the right people, who are willing to reflect, learn and integrate all of the magic, fun and connection this life has to offer us.

I’m looking forward to this next chapter.

Much love,


To Be Continued....

To be Continued…

// allowing the conscious club to take a new form

Thursday 13 October 2022 - 13:00

I am going to start with the first big announcement, and that is that Charon is going to stop as an owner of The Conscious Club.
Let us start with some words from Charon.


I have always perceived The Conscious Club as an energy of its own, a home and save haven for the people in search of inner and outer sustainability. For me this journey began almost exactly 7 years ago. When I was called into participating and stimulating this energy to find it's roots, grow and to blossom in Amsterdam and beyond. I have always felt in service of the spirit of The Conscious Club.

But already some time ago, I came to doubt whether my own energy and talents were still serving and supporting The Conscious Club in the best way. I noticed that some of my personal ambitions, abilities and responsibilities were shifting and that wasn't always aligned with the expansion of The Conscious Club. But because of the love for the Club, Elizabeth, all of the beautiful people we are working with and all of you we were touching on a daily basis, I tried to find a way to align my energy again. I started teaching more often, found out that I love the way Elizabeth and I can hold space in our journeys and ceremonies. Found out that I love to create together with our teachers. But also came to the realization that I couldn't be a full business partner for Elizabeth anymore and that the responsibility of having my own business was feeling more heavy than it should.

I have always been a good starter, I can make things happen, but I am less of a "continuer". And I am OK with that, I use that to my and others advantage. So I recently admitted to myself and Elizabeth that I am not what is serving The Conscious Club best anymore and that I don't want to hold Elizabeth back. Sometimes we need to let go in order for something to find its way in alignment again.

I am not going to be an owner of The Conscious Club anymore, but I will continue teaching and holding space in our journeys and ceremonies. I will focus on expanding and deepening in my meditations. I am excited for the personal journeys ahead and to see how life unfolds for me.

I had the most amazing 7 years full of teachings, growing, love, laughter and tears and I am in full gratitude towards The Conscious Club. It has been an honour to have been of service.

Elizabeth, our partnership has taught me so much and I love the way we support each other even when our paths go different ways. So our deep friendship remains and we keep creating together in new ways. I love you and I can't be more grateful. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

To all the people I have worked with thank you for your trust, your loyalty, for doing this work, for shining your lights and for all the time we shared.

And to all of our students thank you for your support! I hope to still meet you in our upcoming journeys and ceremonies.

With all my love,

**I would like to add to this beautiful note of Charon, that I am forever grateful that I had you by my side in the last seven years. You are an amazing human being, who's ability to come from a place of self-reflection can only inspire others. I profoundly cherish how we always communicate with love and deep respect for each other. I consider myself blessed that I have been able to experience such an incredible journey with you, not only as my business partner but also as my very dear friend. I love you immensely and I know our journey does not stop here. I am looking forward to all of our events together and what the future will unfold for the both of us!

Because there is so much to share, we recorded a podcast where we reflect on this decision and the future of the business. You can listen to the podcast here.

Elizabeth & Charon before opening and rebuilding The Conscious Club at Lauriergracht Amsterdam.

As you can imagine, when Charon and I had this conversation about her leaving the company, I needed to reflect on where I would like to see the company as the sole responsible person. It was asking me to decide on how I wish to design my life for the future. 

In the last few years I have been working towards a more flexible way of life, I have made a conscious choice to not bring children in this world, to sell my house and close the location of my business, so I can move around more freely. I have been enjoying the combination of living in our beautiful city Amsterdam with the easy pace of Southern Europe a lot. 

Meantime, I have positioned myself in a way that I can focus on doing what I love most and I know one thing for certain, everything in life is better when shared! Sharing more of my spiritual side in the Spiritual Year Training or teaching about the world of cryptocurrency (which many people are still not aware of the countless amazing sustainable projects!) has been a real joy for me. And truth be told, designing your future in the way you want is a big question. I am still on the journey of trying to discover what should come next!

But I can see that The Conscious Club as we knew it, has come full circle and asks for a new direction. I have received many insights that still need to take shape and form into new ideas that are energetically aligned with a higher purpose. I am allowing myself the time I need to set a new course and I am excited about what has come forward so far!

Meanwhile, apart from our collaboration with The Cover members club, it has been a clear decision to step away from regular classes. Unfortunately the time and effort it takes to make these classes happen don't add up to the financial reward we get for it. Also for our amazing team of teachers. I have asked everyone to take the time to tune into their hearts to feel what they wish to create for the future. The first thing that came forward in our team meeting was that everyone is looking forward to take a nice long break upcoming winter, to recharge and make space for this question.

Another thing came forward unanimously, the wish for us to redirect our energy to creating bigger events. So we can still do what we do, but less frequent, with more time and at a bigger space. This way we can find a healthy balance in the energetic and financial exchange that comes with the healing journeys and ceremonies we love to offer to our beautiful community.

We are aiming to create around 4-8 events each month. This will include our sacred cacao ceremony, breath work journeys, sound healing sessions, our deep energetic cleanse and meditations. We are looking forward to update you with a new agenda soon!

The Cover at X Bank / W Hotel

When we got back from our travels, it immediately asked our attention for many practicalities, such as the new venue and collaboration with The Cover, located in The Vault at X Bank / W Hotel. Unfortunately the opening of their club got delayed to January next year, therefore we ran into some unpractical logistics that caused a bit of a confusion to our visitors and therefore we couldn't provide the quality we like to offer as a business.

The space itself needed some extra isolation, which is fixed by now, but there is also a visual upgrade planned in the near future. For now, we have decided to cancel the classes for OneFit & ClassPass members, until things are more settled. For our own card holders, we like to still provide access to the upcoming classes at this venue, as we can better explain the route to where the sessions are held. There is a class planned every week in November and December. In January there will be a new schedule available. We will send an e-mail to our card member separately, to explain how you can book in the upcoming months.

Charon and I have 2 events planned at X Bank, one Sacred Cacao Ceremony and one Deep Energetic Cleanse. We have limited spots available, but we hope to see many familiar faces there!

More info:

>> Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Deep Energetic Cleanse

As we are slowly adjusting to this new phase, we will need some time to change all of our communications on all different platforms. Please bear with us towards this new transition.

I have planned some more time off in the winter months, just to give myself the space I need to allow the natural flow of how everything wants to take form slowly take shape.

As some of the regular sessions will continue at X Bank, our wish to create some bigger events is still on the agenda!

All I can say for now is "To be continued...."

On another note, it's going to be a challenging winter for many of us. As the gas prices soar to record highs and the stagflation is putting us towards a massive economic recession, I'd like to invite all of you to help one another out. Perhaps put a note in the mailbox of your neighbors, where you offer an extra plate of food, some extra groceries or even some of your services. We are a resilient species, but can't make it through tough times with the help of a community. Let us be mindful about those who are going through a difficult time right now and who's maybe also afraid or ashamed to share about their position.

I have offered my help to those around me and I hope you do too.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this very long newsletter!
If you have any questions, we'll try our best to answer them!

Much love!⁠

Elizabeth & Charon⁠


The End Of An Era - Be Like Water My Friend

The End of An Era - Be Like Water My Friend

Monday 2 May 2022 - 11:00

At a lecture of the opening of Oceanic Imaginaries at Stedelijk Museum, an academic briefly mentioned the need for Europe to be this rigid structure of rules and safety measures. It instantly made me think about what we call “the rubber tile paradise”, which refers to the rubber tiles we find in kids playgrounds for safety measures. It’s a society in which the government has taken so many measures to protect its citizens that they always feel safe and aren’t encouraged to think for themselves or learn to take their own measurements for protection.

We could debate for hours about this concept, but as The Conscious Club we always feel the power of self development comes from learning tool sets that you can implement to make you self-reliant, confident and independent. Which for us opens the gateway of trust and self-love.

And if we love ourselves, we can learn to love others, and if we love others, this world becomes a better place. Full circle.

But a rubber tile society where we don’t learn to be self-reliant, or think for ourselves, will belittle our full potential as human beings. It opens the path of self-doubt, co-dependence and distrust. Because if you are not worthy of making your own decisions as an adult, why should anyone else?

A government that decides for you, thinks for you and labels your place in society - is a rigid structure of rules and leaves no room for autonomy.

It is exactly this structure which reminded me of the famous quote by Bruce Lee;

"Be Water, My Friend. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

Maybe now more than ever, we are asked to become formless, so we can flow to the undiscovered corners of self in search of new ways and routes towards new pathways in life. Where it shows us our own immense power as human beings, the power of adapting to whatever comes our way. Our body is 99% made of water molecules, if there is a teacher within, water is definitely one of them, and it’s teaching us to go with the flow.

Once we have the self-realisation of our own powers, we can become more confident to trust that the flow will take us exactly to where we need to be. And this is maybe one of the biggest teachings in life. The part where you have the confidence to belief in yourself and trust the path.

It may also invite us to understand our roots within. That coming home to the heart, is also where our home is, wherever that may be. Adapting and learning that settling in a space is asking us merely to take a form of presence. Because in presence, all else falls away in the vast space of nothingness. It is here, in the space of everything and nothing, where all of life unfolds.

With the heart as our compass, flow will show us the way.

And this leads us to where we are today. The choice of Charon and I to become like water, so we can flow to wherever life wants to take us. To be truly free from the structures that hold us back from our full potential.

We have never been afraid to follow our hearts, to go left when everyone else is going right, just because for us it feels like the right thing to do. We are not afraid to close doors, so others can open. And we have been blessed with the deep knowing of that whatever we do in life, it will all fall in place sooner or later. With this trust and confidence in the Universe, Great Mystery, God, Spirit or how you prefer to call it, we welcome this new chapter in our lives.

Where we will abandon the structured form a physical space, and move into a flexible form of beautiful collaborations at different spaces in our city. This means our program will still continue in a more flexible form.

We are welcoming playfulness, joy and intuition to bring us a new pallet of experiences we would love to share with all of you. Our wish to make this journey into a more personal one will find its shape and form in the coming months, as we take a few months off over the summer.

I can share that my path has been directing me to lead a spiritual year journey, where I will be sharing my spiritual teachings in a small group form. I am excited to see what will unfold. Charon is enthusiastic to finally have space and time to deepen her practice in search of what brings her happiness. We both feel that in a few months our paths will come together in a complimentary form, and this will ultimately shape the new Conscious Club.

For the months of May & June we have made a special 8-ride pass available for €100,- to enjoy your last journeys in our sacred space. All other member cards will be extended for 6 months and are available for use at our upcoming pop-up locations.⁠ Our doors will close at the end of June.

Untamed, wild and free, we hope you will embrace this new fluid form with us. We can’t wait to flow into new adventures and discoveries with all of you!⁠

Much love!⁠
Elizabeth & Charon⁠

Listen to the full story in our Podcast Trilogy; The Conscious Club Past, Present & Future - on Spotify @ The Conscious Club / Conscious Talks or via our website

Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Tuesday 2 November 2021 - 11:00

Hello beautiful people!

This seasonal change was a beautiful moment for us to tune into our own heart space and connect to our desired future for The Conscious Club. The last 2 years have been quite a roller coaster for many of us. We have taken the time to let all of the changes around us sink in, and we came to the conclusion that the inner fire to run our beautiful space, has disappeared in the both of us. It’s time for a change.

More than six years ago Charon and I met at this beautiful beach called the Bay of Love in Koh Phangan Thailand. We wanted to bring the amazing community vibe and inspirational pallet of spiritual offerings back home to Amsterdam. And we did!

It has been an absolute blessing and we are super proud of what we have accomplished in the last six years. Back then, we were two young girls on a mission to impact people’s city lives for the better, while at the same time putting an eco-friendly lifestyle on the map. And we succeeded at so much more than that. Inspiring big corporations to adjust to a more eco-friendly mindset and inviting people in the city to make more time for self-care, it’s been a wonderful journey!

But we noticed our city vibes have changed a bit, with less patience and quick judgements. It’s been harder and harder for us to adjust to the harshness of the digital world, because no matter how big our company seems, it’s still just Elizabeth and Charon running it. It showed us that we have given up too much of our own comfort to provide a sacred space for many. It’s humble to put the collective first, but not if it leaves you drained.

For us it was a simple conclusion. We either quit our business or we are going to do everything from a place that brings us happiness, just like how we started the club. We asked ourselves, within different layers of our company, “does it spark joy?”, such an easy exercise by Marie Kondo to get to the core of what makes your heart sing.

It made us think of the past. When we started our spiritual center The Conscious Club, we only organized special sessions, beautiful in-depth journeys to connect with our inner wisdom on different levels and via different themes. More time for these amazing journeys is something we want to focus on, combined with ceremonies and city retreats in collaboration with Church of The Heart. We are super excited to start from this blank canvas and create a ton of amazing gatherings!

Meanwhile you might have noticed the changes in our schedule, we have been downsizing our daily regular classes. We want to keep life simple and joyful. The handling of a day time program with regular classes-is not something we want to do anymore, the same goes for online streaming. Instead we will provide an extensive daily evening program with a minimum of 2 different journeys and an optional ceremonial slot of 2 – 2,5 hours during the week. Our weekend daytime program will be available for different sessions, workshops, trainings and day retreats, but evening slots will stay reserved for our journeys and ceremonies. For online video’s you can always access our video library.

We are also excited to let you all know that we will be doing more offerings ourselves, we have been enjoying the full house at our Deep Energetic Cleanse and decided to make this into a weekly offering on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays. We will also diversify our Sacred Cacao Ceremony a little bit and make this into a monthly gathering on Thursday evening.

Since our focus is on an evening program, our office hours have changed from weekdays between 16:00-18:00. In the weekend we are available by phone in case of emergency.

We are welcoming this fresh breeze in our company with open arms and open hearts. As we are adapting to this gentle pace of new beginnings, we can share a little spoiler, we have just installed a really cozy fire place and have an extra surprise waiting that will turn our space into a multi-sensorial experience.

We can’t wait!

Hope to see you soon,

Much love!
Elizabeth and Charon


3 Ayurvedic Recipes to Try this Summer

3 Ayurvedic Recipes to Try this Summer

Summer is hot, bright and sharp (pitta), and it boots most people’s energy levels and speeds up their metabolism. According to Ayurveda, the food that we put into our bodies affects our entire well-being, so it’s important to read up on our prakruti. Everyone has a specific balance of the three doshas.

June Full Moon in Capricorn: Strive For The Best

June Full Moon in Capricorn: Strive For The Best

On Thursday, the 24th of June, the next Full Moon will appear at 20:39 in the sky above Amsterdam. And we’re in luck with this one! Thanks to a very fortunate fixed star - this Full Moon will bring is a lot of success, ambition, honesty and spirituality! Especially the return of honesty, after such a deceitful solar eclipse two weeks ago, is a very welcome characteristic.

Wim Hof Method: Deep Dive into Consciousness

Wim Hof Method: Deep Dive into Consciousness

Perhaps you have already heard of the Iceman from Limburg. He is not only famous for breaking several world records, such as longest swim under ice, but also for inventing a unique breathing technique. One that reminds us what it feels to feel empowered and reconnected with nature. Living in modern civilization, we lose touch with our natural strength and resistance. Breathing, cold exposure, and commitment (the three pillars of The Method) allow us to master the capabilities of our bodies!

June New Moon in Gemini: Confused and Unbalanced

June New Moon in Gemini: Confused and Unbalanced

On Thursday, the 10th of June, the New Moon in Gemini will appear at 12:52 in Amsterdam. This moon is conjunct Mercury retrograde and square Neptune. In Astrology, this often relates to mental confusion, miscommunication and deception. Maybe not the greatest set of characteristics to be challenged with - but with caution and honesty we can come a long way!

5 Travel Destinations You Can Reach By Train

5 Travel Destinations You Can Reach By Train

Ever since the harmful impact of carbon emissions has been made official, many of us have chosen to keep plane travel at a bare minimum. Luckily, there are so many other forms of transport available in these times. Most trips may take a bit longer, however they guarantee a fantastic adventure in itself!

May Full Blood Moon in Sagittarius: A Challenging Time Ahead


On Wednesday the 26th of May, the Sagittarius Full Moon will appear at 13:13 in Amsterdam. This specific full moon is also a Supermoon, which means that the moon is less than 360,000 kilometers from the center of Earth - making it appear larger. This moon, therefore, has a bigger influence on us these next few weeks.

Full Moon Meaning

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.

During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach their peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships.


Super Blood Moon

Not only will this moon appear bigger due to being closer to the Earth’s surface - but it will also bear an interesting color. Thanks to the rays of the setting sun hitting the moon’s surface, it will appear to turn into a red or ruddy-brown tinge. This is why it carries the name of Blood Moon. It’s going to be a visually stunning sight to see at least! So make sure to have a look at the moon whenever the clouds disappear.

What to Expect?


This total lunar eclipse will be a challenging one for sure. This is also due to some stars who carry Mars and Saturn traits. You can expect some of the more negative aspects of Jupiter to come out these next few days. They could include feelings of greediness, overconfidence, and over-optimism. This can also affect your relationships, as your increased greed could result in wandering eyes. If you are not in a relationship, keep checking if you are not lowering your standards or missing red flags.

To make sure you don’t fall into excess, you have to find something to do to counter those negative aspects of Jupiter. One way to do so is by doing something for others. Whether it’s putting in time for a charity, or helping out a friend for free - make sure to do something fulfilling not only for yourself but also for others.



We’re all a bit prone to misunderstanding and miscommunication thanks to the influence of Mercury. You could be a bit more confused or insecure than usual - which makes it easier for others to deceive you. For your work life, we recommend you to listen extra carefully when presented with a business opportunity. Make sure to not leave any space for miscommunications and create flawless terms and conditions with others. Also you yourself should be wary of deceiving others. Maybe you think it’s a little white lie that can’t hurt anyone, but this act of insincerity can blow up in your face later. Save yourself the scandal and try to be as honest as you can.


Yes, something good will also happen to us this Full Moon… And it comes in the shape of Venus. Soft feelings such as tenderness may come to you more often - which is wonderful. The only thing to be cautious of is not to create over-idealized images of others and situations in your head. Remember, try not to be taken advantage of and stay realistic. It is beautiful to trust people, but make sure not to trust blindly.

If you’re feeling a bit low n the self-esteem department, you might think others are looking down on you or talking about you behind your back. Don’t worry about that though - these impressions are often distorted by your mind and do not match what’s really happening.


Uranus brings us restrictive aspects, unfortunately. What could happen, is that things change for you - but not in the way you want them to. It could be a bit frustrating if you really want to pursue something, and you get restricted by things out of your control. Try to stay open-minded to avoid tension and frustration. Who knows? Perhaps the unexpected might actually help you in ways we don’t know yet!



Star Acrab is not the friendliest star in the universe - not by miles. It causes malevolence, repulsiveness, mercilessness, and even contagious diseases on planet Earth. Even though Acrab also influences us to dive into research, it is also a bad omen for those who seek material wealth. Be prepared for difficulties coming your way, and try to focus on the positive influence of Acrab. This is a great time to finish writing up your thesis or conducting research - so perhaps challenging your mental capacity could be a great way to save yourself from making missteps.

In Summary

People without morals are going to have a great couple of weeks. But for the majority of us (with a moral compass), they are going to be quite challenging. Be wary of falling into traps of people with malicious intentions, such as loan sharks, propagandists, and criminals. They prey on vulnerable people who feel weak and insecure so make sure not to make drastic decisions when you’re feeling a bit low.

There’s a lot of treachery and deception around us for a while, people can be more cruel and spiteful than usual. It’s definitely going to be a challenging time that requires a lot of patience to get through it okay. Especially after a long pandemic, losing your spirit and mental resilience could something very dangerous.

Here are some tips from us to help you mentally prepare and get through this Full Moon:

  1. Meditate daily. Even if you only take 5 minutes before going to bed to sit down and close your eyes. That’s enough for your mind and body to rest and recover after a long day of impressions. So sit down, turn on soft music and close your eyes. Focus on your breath - feel how the air passes from your lungs into your abdomen and back out through your mouth again. Notice how your belly rises and inflates. Good luck!

  2. Get outside the house. We’ve been stuck inside for so long, but we’re not robots. We are animals who need nature. Take short breaks outside without distractions. Maybe bring your coffee outside and walk around for 5 minutes if you feel overwhelmed. Don’t bring your phone with you and take in your scenery. Check out this article on tips for a meditation walk

  3. Meet your loved ones. Do. Not. Isolate. Yourself. With COVID restrictions being lifted little by little, we have more freedom to go out and about. Make use of them and meet your friends again. Grab lunch together, meet for drinks and catch up. It’s only healthy to stay in touch with your closest friends and they can help carry burdens you’re having.

  4. Mindfulness exercises. They can truly help you see the positive in darker times. See this article for more tips to get started.

  5. Breathing tips. By breathing correctly, you can trick your brain into feeling calm. If you’re feeling tense or frustrated - breathwork exercises can help you calm down. Check out our IGTV for free exercises that can help you out.

  6. Pick up a routine. Try to start your day 1 hour earlier than usual to get some more time for you in the mornings. Maybe you can use this hour for a yoga practice or nice stretch. If you’re feeling a bit done with practicing yoga at home, you’re always welcome to book a physical mat during our live-streamed classes. You can do your self-practice at our studio again!

New Moon in Taurus: Your New Reality Is Coming

New Moon in Taurus: Your New Reality Is Coming

On Tuesday, the 11th of May, the New Moon in Taurus will appear at 20:59 in Amsterdam. We’re at crossroads now - leaving behind one reality and welcoming another. This New Moon invites us all to dream again and take up the willpower to make those dreams come true. Thanks to the influence of Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Mars, and Uranus the following few days will be rather exciting.

The Secret of Living in Abundance

The Secret of Living in Abundance

The true deep-rooted and long-term happiness arises from the inside. Or, to be specific from gratitude for what we already claim. If we learn to perceive the abundance that surrounds us (and we are so blessed!), we will experience constant happiness and peace.

April Full Pink Moon in Scorpio: Expect the Unexpected

April Full Pink Moon in Scorpio: Expect the Unexpected

Tuesday the 27th of April isn’t only Kingsday here in The Netherlands - it’s also the date on which the Full Moon appears in the sky. At 5:31 AM, this Super Full Moon in Scorpio will appear, marking a milestone of the new cycle. This full moon is opposite Uranus, and in astrology, we relate that to unexpected changes and events, impulsiveness, and even rebelliousness.