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Live Sessions at The Conscious Club ๑ Kickboxing Class

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Live Sessions at The Conscious Club ๑ Kickboxing Class

Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from karate mixed with boxing. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport.

Kickboxing is a fast-paced way to train your body and your mind.


The simplest and best way to relieve stress is to get some exercise! When your heart rate gets going and you are exercising your body releases endorphins. These are your brains “I feel good” neurotransmitters and tells your body to feel amazing. This is also why after exercise many of us often do feel amazing! Endorphins also allow you to sleep better and to just be overall happier.

Kickboxing requires you to often focus on a specific body movement, or breathing pattern which is a very similar response you would have when meditating or practicing yoga – activities that are proven to reduce stress. Another benefit is that kickboxing allows you to forget all of your problems for the time you are training. You will often find yourself becoming completely immersed in your class and forgetting the bad day you might have had before it.

Facilitator: Iris Klein
Date: Friday the 1st of May from 11:00 - 12:00
Location: LIVE @ The Conscious Club


Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 5-Ride Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
1 Week Unlimited Online Classes | €14,50
2 Weeks Unlimited Online Classes | €27,50
1 Month Unlimited Online Classes | €49,95


» Don't forget to dress in comfortable clothing, have some home props available such as blankets, books & pillows

» You will receive a link to your class up to 5 minutes before the start. Please check your spam folder as well if you haven’t received the e-mail. Make sure to be on time for the live session as the platform we use doesn’t allow late entries!

» Don't worry if you miss the LIVE broadcast, you can access the video around 2-3 hours after a class as we will send all attendees a link via mail

» Once you receive the link, you will have a 24-hour access to the class