Vata Fruits
Fruits that will reduce an overabundant Vata will generally be sweet. Fruits that are cooked or stewed are easier to digest. This offers additional warmth, moisture and sweetness; witch is extra beneficial for Vata. Cooling, astringent (drying) or rough (like dried fruit) are best to avoid. Unless it has been rehydrated trough cooking or soaking.
Fruits and juices are best enjoyed alone. Ideally 30 minutes before or an hour after any other food for it to optimally be digested. This rule does not apply to fruits that we typically consider vegetables like avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.. You will find these fruits listed among the “vegetables”.
- Apples (cooked)
- Applesauce
- Apricots
- Bananas (ripe, not green)
- Berries
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Coconut
- Dates (fresh, cooked or soaked)
- Figs (fresh, cooked or soaked)
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Kiwi
- Lemon
- Lime
- Mango
- Melons
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Pineapple
- Plums
- Prunes (cooked or soaked)
- Raisins (cooked or soaked)
- Tamarind
- Apples (raw)
- Bananas (green)
- Cranberries
- Dates (dry)
- Dried Fruit, in general
- Figs (dry)
- Pears
- Persimmons
- Pomegranate
- Prunes (dry)
- Raisins (dry)
- Watermelon