New Moon in Sagittarius: The Perfect Time For New Initiatives

On Sunday the 14th of December, the next New Moon will arrive at 17:16 in Amsterdam. This specific New Moon is also a total solar eclipse and joined by the planets, Mercury and Mars. This will be a great time for renewed energy and being initiative with your goals. Let’s act on those exciting plans you’ve had for a while with confidence.

But first, what is a New Moon?

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the moon is directly in between the Earth and Sun. This way, the moon covers the sun - which results in this ring of the almost complete dark moon. We will only see one ring of light around the edges of the moon because the Sun is bigger than the moon. Sun conjunct Moon also symbolizes new possibilities and plans for the future. This is the perfect time to start something new and write down the goals you want to achieve.

New Moon in Sagittarius… What to expect?

This new moon passes through the Saggitarius Zodiac sign, a sign highly related to change. The start of the Sagittarius season marks the end of autumn and the start of the Winter Solstice. Sagittarius's aspects include expansion, eagerness for change, taking on new activities, and discovering new things. If there’s one thing we can conclude about Sagittarius, is that it does not like to be tied down or to linger in the past. Learn, experience and inspire yourself and those around you. This, in combination with the New Moon, is the best possible astrological moment to kickstart something new with high energy.

Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury: think & communicate

You can notice your mental capabilities rise to a higher level this new moon. You might feel more alert, witty, and curious. Get those new insights out there, and find means to communicate or even sell them! This is, after all, a great time for making plans - and your critical thinking will only push that forward rather than stall it.

Solar eclipse trine Mars: confidence is key

Feeling confident, energized and enthusiastic? You can thank Mars for that! You can start to feel stronger and more courageous - perfect for taking on difficult tasks. Also, if you still want to impress someone at work or in your private life with your talents and skills: do it now. Be brave and put your charm to your advantage. Perhaps you can even try to negotiate to get into a (job) position that fits you better.

Especially in combination with the quick thinking and decisiveness aspects of Mercury, this will also be a fruitful time for your concentration. You will notice your concentration levels peak when you have to perform or overcome mental challenges such as exams or a big pile of analytic paperwork.

Solar eclipse square Neptune: suspicion and deception

In contrary to the positive influences of Mars and Mercury, Neptune has something else in store for us. You can feel a bit weak, lazy, and confused at times. Try to be wary of becoming paranoid and falling prey to conspiracy theories.

Fixed stars: overindulgence & immorality

Because the fixed star Rasalhague is in the nature of Saturn and Venus, it can give misfortune and mental depravity. You can feel more prone to getting infected by toxins and overindulgence in alcohol and drugs. Another fixed star on our path is Lesath, which is in the nature of Mercury and Mars. It could result in more danger, desperation, immorality, and malevolence. However, Lesath also gives you the sharp intellect you need to defeat opponents.

In Summary

The Solar Eclipse on the 14th of December is closely linked to Mercury’s ability to think and comminicate. In combination with Mars, this will create a positive and well-balanced energy. Overall, this is a beautiful time to take initiative and act on your deepest desires and plans. Feel confident about the new goals you’re setting, and act on them!

However, Neptune can cause confusion and susceptibility. Luckily, Mars’s influence is much stronger! So, if you ever start to feel deceived, you will be able to snap out of it easier thanks to your endorsed critical mindset. You can also overcome the negative influences caused by the fixed stars thanks to your caution and thoughtfulness. You will be able to protect yourself against deceptions and fraud, as long as you keep a clear head.

This Solar Eclipse marks the last new moon of this year, and also marks the last New Moon Healing Circle in 2020 at The Conscious Club. If you want to manifest new ideas and positivity, this circle could be a great place to start. Join us on Saturday the 12th of December at 15:15 for this beautiful Mantra Meditation!
