5 Feng Shui Action Steps To Get You Started Today!

Five Feng Shui action steps to get you started today!

Take action to improve the energy of your space! Here are five simple powerful action-steps. Enjoy nurturing your space and it will nurture you in return. When you are done with each action take time to notice how your space feels? This feeling is the beginning of Feng Shui awareness.


  1. Light! Bring light into your space and enhance the energy, make sure ALL the lights are working. Replace dead bulbs and select proper strength lights for each space. Maybe it is time to buy a new reading lamp, lampshade, or repair a lamp that needs some love. Make a list, go to the store, and get the job done! Tonight you will be sooooo happy!

2. Healthy plants have strong Chi and it is proven they have a significant positive effect on our mental and physical health. If you have plants love them! Tend to them, repot them, clean away dead leaves, fertilize them weekly, and give them a bath now and then. As they start to thrive, their energy will contribute enormously to your space.

3. Clear the clutter…it is so important! Ever-present clutter creates static energy that drains focus. It reinforces negative emotions and feelings of being overwhelmed. If you are “clutter challenged” then start with just one surface, a tabletop, create a daily routine to keep it organized and clean. Make this a new ritual and clear the table before going to sleep. Over time slowly spread this practice to other areas, the kitchen counter and beyond. One surface at a time, you will reclaim and transform your space. 

4. Shift the energy quickly…. by getting rid of things that no longer serve you well. Be it the lonely sock, the pile of old magazines, the broken chair, or chipped cup. If you do this on a weekly basis, your space will start to feel renewed and vitalized!

Make it a game and give yourself ten minutes to complete your mission of gathering 5 things on a table. When the time is up feel the joy of throwing them away or recycling. Repeat weekly until it just is no longer possible…..WOW feel the difference!


5. Create a connection with the beauty of nature by bringing fresh flowers into your space. They energize the environment and soothe the eye and soul with their beauty. Never underestimate the positive energetic effect of beauty. Beauty creates happiness, reduces stress, and stimulates creativity

Enjoy the feeling of improving the energy of your space and have fun with it!


Conscious Contributor: Kathy Hoyer