8 Mantras to Try During Your Meditation


Mantras are phrases, words, sounds or syllables which can be chanted repeatedly during meditations. It is said that when a mantra is recited 108x each day for 40 days, it is unlocked and helps to elevate the consciousness.

Secondly, each Sanskrit letter has a specific sound frequency, which is directly linked to the Subtle Energy Center (Chakra). Sanskrit chants are known to have soothing and healing effects on the human mind and body, leading to calmness. That’s why mantras have been used by sages and gurus around the world for many centuries. 

Serving as an object of focus during meditation, they can be practiced either by; ‘Kirtana’ singing in a group, ‘Chanting’ singing in a medium voice or normal tone voice, or ‘Japa’ repeated silently in the mind. Meditation mantras are designed to give the mind an object to focus on. When you have an object of focus, all other senses begin to dissolve into one, and allows the Mind (self) to merge into the Universal Consciousness. Chanting can be considered as the ‘‘yoga of the mind’’.

Tips for setting up before chanting:

Just like with our yoga practice its important that we set some time aside during our day. While mantras can be practised at anytime and place, the benefits are felt when the ambience is right.

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place

  2. Sit in easy pose ‘Sukhassan’

  3. Ground down through the sitting bones and imagine a cord pulling up through the crown of the head

  4. Keep your eyes closed and focus your attention on the breath

  5. Chakra Jewellery; Each chakra has its own corresponding crystal or mineral with its own energetic resonance.

  6. Mala beads; A string of 108 beads, can be used to help count the repetitions




The ‘‘Om’’ matra, is considered to be the sound of Universal Consciousness. When we chant this sacred mantra it helps to allign the individual mind (our own) to the bigger mind (Universal Consciousness).


Chanting ‘‘Om’’ creates powerful vibrational shifts within the body, elevating the subtle energy or life force ‘'Prana’’. This energy moves up the Spinal collum (Sushuma Nadi) clearing and soothing all the Chakras. It is best practised out loud, to experience the full benefits.

When we create more ‘‘Prana’’ within the body it helps us to become more present, grounded and brings clarity within the mind. When we have a clear mind we’re able to; make wiser choices, connect with ourselves and others.

Om Hrim Ham-Sah So’ham Swaha

Meaning:“What am I; I am That”


Known as the "Mantra to the Supreme Light." It is a well known Vedantic mantra, which draws the Divine Light to resonate in our body, breath, speech, and mind.
Om - Supreme Vibration/Brahman
Hrim - Spiritual Heart
Hamsah - Liberated Soul
So'ham - Supreme Being “I am He”
Swaha - Consecration into the light, realize the Self-within


Mantra to the Supreme Light, balances the Feminie and Masculine/Yin and Yang, energy within our bodies. It strengthens our weaknesses with wisdom and love. The mantra can be used along with pranayama to empower the breath and open the chakras.


Meaning: ‘‘I am Love’’

This mantra affirms that you are pure love and connects you to Shakti (Divine Feminine) energy. It connects, balances and amplifies this love to shine through you.

Aham: I am

Prema: Divine Love, the consciousness within all beings


This healing mantra has been practiced by many people around the world, and it helps to; Envoke compassion for ourselves and others, manifest Unconditional Love, bring Joy and Peace to busy minds and helps us emobody the Shakti.

This mantra can also help you to ground and center yourself even in stressful situations. It is a vehicle to connect you to the present moment and to focus on it.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Meaning: “Peace be with you”

It is commonly used as a greeting and goodbye in yoga and buddhism, wishing them to experience Divine Peace. You may have even heard some Buddhists chanting this!


Think of it as a variation on, “Peace be with you,” “Shalom,” or “Namaste.”

Om: Supreme Universal Vibration

Shanti (three fold): Peace in mind, Peace in speech, Peace in body


When used as a mantra we’re helping to raise our consciousness, becoming grounded and centered in our mind and body. Experiencing the divine expression within.

Om Tat Sat

Meaning: “Supreme Absolute Truth”


Om Tat Sat is a mantra found in the ancient Hindu text, Bhagavad Gita (17:23). It means Truth, Reality and Good, it is a threefold designation of the Hindu metaphysical concept called Brahman, Braham the universal consciosuness or all prevading energy.

Om: Supreme Universal Vibration

Tat: That Is

Sat: Brahman (God consciosuness)


It is used during religious ceremony, after renounciation of attachments and enlightenment. It brings balance and harmony to the practisioner, knowing they’re more than the body and earthly life.

Namo Amitabha


Meaning: “Rely on the Infinate Awakening”

One who would mindfully chant “Amituofo” will be reborn in the Western Pure Land. When a being is truly awakened, one will mindfully chant “Amituofo”; one will not be interested in any kind of pleasure or glory of this world.

Namo: Take Refuge

Amitabha: Boundless Light


The purpose of saying this mantra while visualizing Amitabha Buddha is to help clear away attachment and passion from our minds. If this is accomplished, we can live with more kindness, happiness, joy and unconditional love for ourselves as well as all other beings.

Chanting the mantra will help calm the mind, by focusing on the reciting itself, there will be no space for negative emotions.

In Summary

Chanting mantras can help us stay in the present moment by; drawing our focus inwards and disengaging from unhelpfull thoughts. Through repetition of these ancient sanskrit words, syllables and phrases we’re are able to; Unlock and connect to the sacred energy behind each mantra, awakening our consciousness to higher levels.

Written by - Lola Hampson-Ghani