Post-plastic era: 10 lifestyle hacks for reducing plastic

I’m sure you're familiar with the severity of the plastic disaster in the world. Last year, thousands rushed to the streets making a stand for saving the planet, it has been widely discussed in politics, and in the same year, we raised millions for the Ocean Cleanup. All this to save ourselves from drowning in our own rubbish!

Plastic has existed for barely 150 years, yet it has made more damage in our ecosystem than any other material. A horrifying and very visible effect is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California made up of over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic. That’s literally a huge island made of trash. Scientists hope to clean to 50% of it every 5 years, but that’s all we can realistically hope for. 

The Plastic Truth

Our plastic waste is killing millions of marine animals every year, around 700 species including some endangered. Ground animals also pay a high price. For example, many dogs or raccoons get their heads stuck in food containers, while birds get trapped in soda rings and plastic bags. And, let’s not forget how plastic waste affects us, humans...

For beginners, microplastics find their way into our water systems, and into our morning coffee. Yes, one-third of all plastic ends up in soils or freshwater and disintegrates into particles smaller than five millimetres, then into nanoparticles (less than 0.1 micrometres in size). That’s small enough to find its way into our taps. Delicious…

We could write a novel about the dangerous effect plastic has on our body and the environment that we could write a novel about it. We’re not going to do that. Instead, we believe that YOU (our lovely reader) can make subtle lifestyle changes that add to your quality of life, and make a huge environmental impact. Remember, “drops of water make a mighty ocean” and if we alter our lifestyle habits even slightly, we can make a big difference. Especially if we become an inspiration for others. That can bring on an even bigger impact than you can imagine.

So, where to start? We came up with a brilliant concept middle of last year to do a 2-week no-plastic challenge. Which later extended into one month, and next into permanent life-changes. Every day we found one alternative for a common (and unnecessarily) used plastic product we used. Here is a list of ideas you can implement right away!

*Best to introduce these changes step-by-step; it’s a proven way of making sure these changes last.

10 lifestyle hacks to save the planet

1.  Buy a material shopping bag.

This is quite an obvious one. Unfortunately, most people still forget to bring their own bag from home… resulting in a mass of wasted plastic bags. Despite the big assortment of gorgeous bags available on the market. 

2. Choose to buy at local and ecological markets.

Or eco stores. Have you seen every tomato or broccoli packed in plastic at the farmer’s market? No? Neither have I. 

3. Avoid scrubs and cosmetics containing microplastics.

These tiny particles are a real no-go! They end up being consumed by marine animals, and eventually by humans – when they eat the same fish or just drink from the tap.

4. An original idea of ours was the alternative to coffee cups.

The type you put into the coffee machine. The world uses 500 billion plastic cups per year. Only 16 billion are disposable. Why add to this already gigantic amount of waste, when you can purchase a reusable coffee cup for less than 2 EUR?  

All you need to do is fill it with your favorite blended coffee grains. Or, invest in a stylish Moka pot… returning to basics is not a bad thing! 

5. Buy a lovely reusable coffee cup.

Not only can you get some amazing designs, but you can take-away your coffee to work without unnecessary plastic cups and straws.

(Note: due to COVID-19 restrictions many cafes are not accepting personal cups)

6. Stop using plastic straws.

Why did we begin with these anyway? 

7. Purchase reusable grocery bags for fruits and vegetables.

There are fishnet bags available on online sites and at some eco-stores, which can be a great alternative for plastic. You will not always need these. Most veggies you can just be stashed in your shopping bag directly. 

8. Buy biodegradable garbage bags.

We’re always looking for the most eco-friendly garbage bags. Unfortunately, completely ecological trash bags don’t exist yet. The only truly eco-friendly option is reducing your waste. Purchasing biodegradable garbage bags is also a good addition. However, while biodegradable sounds good, in reality, they hardly degrade at the landfill because they need specific temperatures to break down. Most likely, they will just become part of the other trash at the landfill. The plus-side, however, is that you don’t need to worry about microplastic ending up in the ocean.

9. Bring your own containers to the store.

I am personally a huge fan of sandwich pastes and mezze, so I bring my own containers and fill them. I noticed a lot of onlookers were first surprised, then I noticed them bring their own too…  Be a trendsetter!

10. Become a DIY pro!

Whether it’s cooking and taking home-made meals to work, or learning to make your own oat, rice or soya milk, or... your own cosmetics. Making things yourself allows you to choose for glass containers, instead of the nasty plastic ones. And, you can be sure that you are eating, or putting on your face, ingredients that are 100% natural!

There you have it, 10 lifestyle hacks to help you show your love for our planet! 

One last little tip – perhaps obvious to many of you – be sure to segregate and recycle your waste. Going plastic-free usually takes some time, but recycling is something you can start with right now. 

Please let us know your sustainable tips, so we can share them with as many people as possible! Be the change you want to see in the world.

- Written by Michelle Prygiel