What are you Breathing In Today?

We don’t often consider the air quality inside our house, even though it’s crucial for our well-being. Perhaps the fact that we don’t see it, causes us to belittle its importance for our physical and mental health. Surely, we are aware that breathing is essential for life. Why not improve its quality so we feel great?

Most likely, many of you experience negative health symptoms during the winter season, after ramping up the heating and shut off all your windows. You might often catch yourself feeling low on energy, exhausted or… even catch a cold. Let’s face it: since last year, the microclimate of our homes has become more important than ever.

It’s good to know which dangerous compounds in the air affect our health. They include infectious diseases, safety gases, allergens, toxic compounds, and microbes. Breathing these in on a regular basis may cause a series of symptoms, such as respiratory irritation, infections, sneezing, coughing, fatigue, and problems with concentration. And… long-term exposure to some toxins, can result even in cancer, respiratory sickness, and heart problems. 

So, where do these invisible attackers come from?

  • Chemical contaminants: Vehicle exhaust fumes, plumbing vents, building exhausts, pesticides, manufactured wood products, adhesives, fumes from fireplaces and heating system (the side-products of regular smoke), tobacco smoke (if your neighbor keeps smoking under your window), but also chemical cosmetics and fragrances.

  • Biological contaminants: pollen, bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds. Breeding in damp places, especially in water that has been kept for a while – for example, in humidifiers, drain pipers or unventilated bathrooms (yep, plenty of those in the city).

  • Lack of proper ventilation: In the olden days, no one needed to purchase ventilators because the houses were full of drafts, then designers begun making building more airtight. Nowadays, we are left to rely on technology: air conditioning and ventilation systems. Have no such system at home? Buy a mini ventilator. Their starting prices are quite reasonable and you will invest in your health.

  • Electromagnetic radiation: all technical devices emit radiation, which means 5G modems, microwaves, televisions, and computers too.

What’s the best thing we can do?

If you are planning to build a house, we can choose natural construction materials that will guarantee you healthier living. For yourself and the next generations to come. 

For others, who are renting a place or have purchased a ready-to-move-in apartment, it is important to pay attention to the next points:

  • Regularly clean your house – that’s obvious, right? Vacuuming, dusting… actually you might like to turn this into a meditation practice.

  • Choose natural cleaners and fragrances over synthetic ones. You can buy these at ecological markets, or order them online. If you want to keep your house smelling fresh, try combining natural fragrances (a much cheaper alternative!)

  • Open the windows in your house at least once a day. All seasons round – letting fresh air circulate in the house is essential.

What else can you do to improve air quality?

1) Buying plants!

We love this one at The Conscious Club. If you have visited our studio, you have seen our Green Temple and the array of plants inside all spaces. Bring air purifying plants into your home and make it beautiful. 

The truth is, that even if you air your house, contaminants and allergens can still be carried inside by wind, breeze, pets, other people, and appliances… Plants take care of this problem for you! Studies show that having a “green home” can boost your mental health, improve focus, fight illnesses, and improve productivity. So important, especially now when we are working long-term from home.

Here are 10 air purifying plants that work wonders:

  • Barberton Daisy

  • English Ivy

  • Mother-in-Law's Tongue

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Spider Plant

  • Aloe Vera

  • Broad Lady Palm

  • Dragon Tree.

2) Have a critical look at your home

  • Keep humidity under control. That means, at least open the bathroom door after you take a shower and if you see mold anywhere – call a specialist to remove it. Again, it’s an investment in your health. If you get sick, the costs are much higher.

  • Use a vacuum cleaner with an efficient filter.

  • Get rid of toxin-releasing furniture or interior deco materials… and consider (if you are the owner of your property) installing a house water filtration system. The latter will not only improve the quality of your drinking water but also cut out chlorine gases and vapors from your house.

A healthy lifestyle begins with knowledge of what serves us and what is harmful. It’s about looking past all the advertising of products in media and promises of manufacturers and choosing natural products, materials, and cosmetics. Sometimes, this might require a slightly bigger investment, but what else is more important than our health? In the era of media and mass production, cheap solutions, we need to particularly stay alert. Our goal should be to organize our living spaces as close to nature as we possibly can, so we can enjoy a lifetime of good health. Plant power! 

- Written by Michelle Prygiel