January New Moon in Capricorn: Let Your Soul Expand

The first new moon of the year is going to be a rather exciting one. This New Moon will appear in Amsterdam on Wednesday the 13th at 6:00 AM. The New Moon is going to be conjunct many planets with many different properties. This includes rural times, in which crisis can trigger an evolution response in yourself. Discover more on what the planetary aspects have in store for you this New Moon.

But first, what is a New Moon?

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Gathering of the Planets

Even though Pluto is the strongest planet in the charts this January, we don’t have to deal with Pluto alone. Also, Mars square Saturn and Jupiter square Uranus exceed their influence on life on earth. This means there are about a dozen of individual aspects to be considered. One thing that does not happen, however, is any alignments with major fixed stars.

New Moon in Capricorn… What to expect?

  • New Moon conjunct Pluto: Seize Power of Your Own Life

You will feel more empowered than ever, especially when it comes to taking control of what is happening in your life. You steer the wheel of the vehicle called ‘life’, and you’ll find yourself being perfectly capable of taking this lead. However, do beware of power struggles, as those around you might not be used to this leadership you’re showing. There is no need to get paranoid of your colleagues, but be cautious of (possible) manipulative behavior.

  • Changing Gear: Tune into the soul

Now you start to feel more in touch with yourself, you can really tune into what you want. Unravel your deepest struggles and destructive behaviors such as addictions or obsessions. This will be a great time to get to the bottom of these toxic relationships you hold with them. Let your soul speak loud this New Moon, and allow yourself to transform - even if you have to withdraw first to observe what is happening. Let yourself change for the better, it will do your self-esteem very well to repair and declutter your thoughts and life.

  • Mars Square Saturn: Strong Desires met with Frustration

Even though you feel a great sense of control, it could be hard to achieve those goals you set for yourself. You want to express your passions and succeed, but oddly enough, this hardly ever happens when you try too hard. Don’t take the offensive route, try the defensive one instead. Try to hold onto what you already have rather than starting new ambitious projects.

  • Jupiter Square Uranus: Disruption

These planets indicate that something might suddenly change in your life, which can lead to tension. Possibly, big opportunities can be met these following few weeks. Make sure to not get impatient though, as your urge to break free of your current life and/or restrictions can result in harsh disruptions. Beware of becoming erratic and think carefully before making life-changing decisions.

  • Mercury Square Uranus: Creativity and Excitement

All of these changes you’re going through can bring you much happiness and joy. You might feel some nervous tension in your body, but also an increased ability to look at things differently. Perhaps you will find yourself having a creative breakthrough! See what happens and go cautiously with the flow.

  • Venus Trine Uranis: New Love

Yes, good news! The planets favor new romance! You might bump into a special someone, or a fire is lit between you and an old friend. Unexpected love could be right around the corner. However, for those who are not single, you might get tempted the following moon phase. Feeling seduced by someone can be flattering of course, but make sure not to jump into things without thinking of those you’ll might hurt.

In Summary

It would be an understatement to say that this New Moon brings us much excitement and change. It is the season, after all, for turning your life around for the better. New opportunities in combination with your newly found strong sense of power over your own life can result in many beautiful events. Although your ambitions and frustrations can lead you into the wrong direction. Tune into what the soul wants, take time to transform your thoughts and patterns. If you or change something mindfully, wonderful things could happen for you.

Want to get more in touch with the moons and the stars? Every Sunday evening, we host a LIVE Moon Yin yoga class at 20:00 PM. This is a beautiful practice to tune into your body and listen to what the planets and moons are bringing you.