June New Moon in Gemini: Confused and Unbalanced


On Thursday, the 10th of June, the New Moon in Gemini will appear at 12:52 in Amsterdam. This moon is conjunct Mercury retrograde and square Neptune. In Astrology, this often relates to mental confusion, miscommunication and deception. Maybe not the greatest set of characteristics to be challenged with - but with caution and honesty we can come a long way!

But first, what is a New Moon?

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon in Gemini… What to expect?

We can expect a lot of strong influence from Mercury retrograde as it’s less than one degree away. The square to Neptune is also sending out some influence, but this is not as powerful as Mercury. Still, Neptune’s confusing influence should not be denied. On the bright side, however, there are some fixed stars who give us strength, self-confidence and courage. As long as we refrain from becoming reckless, we can get through this New Moon quite well.

Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury: Personal Interaction and Wanderlust


You’ll notice a deeper focus on things such as communicating, short-distance travel, and social interactions. From busy schedules packed with meetings, appointments and gatherings to big decisions to be made. It’s promising to be a whirlwind of exciting yet exhausting things coming your way! Especially after lockdown and limited social interactions - this sudden change can feel quite overwhelming. Make sure to pace it well, and not dive into things. Remember: just because you finally can doesn’t mean you should bombard your calendar with meetings. Differentiate between things in your social agenda that give rather than drain your energy.

Mercury Retrograde: Anxiousness

Building on the previous point, all these social interactions can result in miscommunications and anxiety. Say, you’re traveling through the country to meet with a precious friend and your train suddenly breaks down halfway. These kinds of misfortunes could arise and it’s your job to not sulk in them for too long if they do happen. Make sure to take extra care with the way you word things. Feeling provoked? Don’t react too quickly with harsh arguments. Double-check the information you need and revisit old emails if you have to prove your point.

Solar Eclipse square Neptune: lack of motivation and deception

You might feel a little bit weaker than usual, as the planets influence your vitality. It’s very possible that you don’t feel easily motivated or enthusiastic. You might come across events in your life, which leave you feeling uncertain and guilty. Also, others may deceive you, as secrets will become harder to keep. To avoid slander or scandal, make sure to only trust your closest friends or relatives with sensitive information. Your mental health could also be something to keep an eye on. Paranoia and hypochondria make very toxic ‘friends’ you should rid yourself of as soon as possible. Stay true to your own heart and make sure to visit an expert or a doctor when you notice alarming conditions.


Mercury square Neptune: Listen carefully

As we said earlier - this new moon makes us vulnerable to deception and misunderstandings. Therefore it is of utmost importance to listen carefully when someone is telling you important things. Make sure to write down notes and maybe even send an email confirmation with your summary if you had a business meeting. This could be a simple way to avoid miscommunication and it helps everybody out.

Saturn square Uranus: Restricted

Some things are out of our own control. And especially then, our patience gets challenged the most. Maybe some things happen you didn’t foresee, or you’re subjected to changes you had no input in. You could feel a bit lost and out of control, but the key thing to remember here is to not linger on negative aspects you have no control over. Maybe, just maybe, it’s guiding you somewhere that works in your favor. Who knows, you might even get presented with refreshing opportunities!

Fixed star Bellatrix: Warrior Spirit

Star Bellatrix is known as the Female Warrior - a star thrives on (military) honor and quick decision making but also subjects us to become reckless. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being a daredevil every now and then, especially considering Bellatrix makes women a bit luckier and more courageous. As long as you advance in your life based on positivity rather than spite or hate: Bellatrix can lead you int the right direction.


In Summary

Warning: confusing and deceiving times ahead! Good thing we know it in advance so we shall not be as naive and fall into traps that easily. Stay critical - don’t act on a whim and definitely do not leave anything unsaid and up in the air. Try to prevent miscommunications as well as you can and keep a close eye on your health without feeling paranoid. Remember, if you’re feeling doubtful about something - consult with an expert. It’s better knowing for sure than filling in the blanks yourself.