Conscious Tips

10 Ways to Save Water, Money and the Earth

10 Ways to Save Water, Money and the Earth

We’re so used to having clean water on tap. We start our day, take a quick shower, brush our teeth and pour ourselves a hot boiling cup of tea. But most of us don’t realize just how much water a day we actually use.

Vata Season: Prepare Yourself For Autumn

Vata Season: Prepare Yourself For Autumn

After the warm summer months this year, it’s hard to believe the upcoming months will be mainly dark skies and cold. To ensure we remain feeling energized and vibrant, regardless of the weather, it’s important that we make some small adjustments to our lifestyle.

10x Improving Your Health with Music

10x Improving Your Health with Music

Humans and music are both ancient histories and undoubtedly intertwined. There’s a reason why music and rhythm feel like second nature to us: it’s actually healthy for us! Research shows that listening to music actively boosts our health and well being. Here are 12 proven benefits of listening to music, so you better turn on a nice track while reading this.

Fix Your Focus and Get More Clarity on Your (Career) Life with pranayama

Fix Your Focus and Get More Clarity on Your (Career) Life with pranayama

In our day and age, it’s harder than ever to remain focused and figure out what you want in life. Instagram, Facebook, the internet, and colorful advertisements everywhere distract us and move our focus away from our goals, drain us mentally, and catapult us into a vicious cycle of comparison, insecurity, and lack of concentration.

Post-plastic era: 10 lifestyle hacks for reducing plastic

Post-plastic era: 10 lifestyle hacks for reducing plastic

Last year, thousands rushed to the streets making a stand for saving the planet, it has been widely discussed in politics, and in the same year, we raised millions for the Ocean Cleanup. All this to save ourselves from drowning in our own rubbish!

Explained: Why Yoga & Music Form The Ultimate Duo

Explained: Why Yoga & Music Form The Ultimate Duo

The goal of yoga is trifold: strengthening your mind, body and spirit. To achieve this, most yoga types include breathing exercises, meditation, asana (poses), and stretches. The reason why music accompanies most practices is actually really simple: it enhances the experience.

What Yoga Type is The One For You?

What Yoga Type is The One For You?

Kundalini, Hatha, Vinyasa, Nidra, HIIT…. And the list goes on and on! There are so many types of yoga, that it might be difficult for a beginner to know the difference or where to start. Everybody is different, and everybody has a different preference or level.

6 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence With Kickboxing 

6 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence With Kickboxing 

If you are looking to get your fitness routine to the next level, kickboxing might just be the thing you have been looking for! The high energy combating technique combines martial arts with heart-pumping cardio routines, leading to health benefits that go beyond regular exercising routines.

Go Zero waste! Create your own herbal garden

Go Zero waste! Create your own herbal garden

We love herbs and spices, but we hate the plastic packaging they are wrapped in most supermarkets. A great solution to your herbal needs is to simply grow your own! No more plastic, no more overpriced herbs, and always access to a fresh supply.

Feeling Stuck? Dancing Helps With Problem-Solving And Can Change The Way You Think 

Movement forms like dancing can do more than only relieving physical stagnation. It seems as if dancing also has the ability to tackle our cognitive functioning. With the help of dancing, we can overcome mental blockages and obstacles and train our brain

The Art of Holding Your Breath: Exploring The Freediving Breathing Technique

The Art of Holding Your Breath: Exploring The Freediving Breathing Technique

It’s common knowledge that you die after about three minutes of not breathing. Well, it seems as if no free divers were included in these statistics. Some very advanced freedivers, swimming without a snorkel or scuba gear, are able to hold their breath for more than ten minutes underwater! Sounds unbelievable? We’ll explain to you what freediving is and how the breathing technique works.