Corpo-Yoga. Easy Asanas For The Workfloor

One of the most common problems yoga practitioners face? Finding time to practice. Especially when we have an office job. There are just so many tasks to accomplish each day. Meetings to attend. Deadlines to meet. Perhaps you’re skipping your breaks or you’re eating your lunch at your desk to make those deadlines. All those hours in front of a computer screen have a serious impact on your body.

Within a year this actually adds up to an average of 1700 hours (according to statistics). At this rate, your body is in need of yoga at least 2-3 times a week. Without this basic amount of movement, we are prone to low energy, slower metabolism, posture problems, back and spine injuries, and even chronic pain...

Yoga is Like Brushing Your Teeth

For thousands of years, yogis have considered daily yoga practice as essential as brushing your teeth in the morning. It was (and is) closely associated with purification. So, practicing yoga or at least stretching every day is very important to ensure we will feel great both physically and mentally. Sometimes, even if we manage to tick off three yoga sessions per week, after a particularly tough day, we might begin to feel stuck in the body. This can be a result of slouching over our computer or experiencing high-stress levels.

It’s hard to avoid these aspects when working in a fast-paced environment. 

The tension in our muscles is a great indicator of how we are dealing with emotions; how we are feeling at the current moment. Our body and mind are closely intertwined. Luckily, it’s not only our muscles that are reactive to our thoughts. What we feed our minds on a daily basis. It also works the other way around. By practicing yoga, we also affect our emotional state. Stretching our muscles helps release tension built up through social conditioning, trauma, psychological tension, and bad lifestyle habits.

Juggling Work with Wellbeing

Take it from me, I have worked years in corporate and I was always struggling to juggle my work and health. At times, I lost hope in having both. Luckily, after many trial and error attempts, I learned that my well-being has a crucial impact not only on how I feel but every other aspect of my life. Including my productivity at work.

After attending 2-3 yoga classes per week, I noticed I was able to stay focused for longer, had more energy and my back pain (which had been tormenting me after long hours sitting by my desk) disappeared. Actually all of these elements resulted in a happier and friendlier “me”  Those few hours a week were definitely a worthwhile investment. Yoga classes soon became a priority booking for my week. And during all the other days, I discovered some simple ways to practice during office hours. 

I felt like I had discovered the Holy Grail. A shortcut allowing me to do yoga outside of the studio. 

Tips & Tricks for doing yoga without getting noticed

Here are some easy ways you can do yoga in the office within a 15-minute break. Without raising too much suspicion from your boss or your colleagues. 

Relax & Stretch Your Neck

  • Sit up tall, place your palms on your knees... close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Allow yourself to relax for 30 seconds (or more... never enough relaxation time!).

  • Now, make a  light “chin tuck” and tilt your head back all the way back. Feel that stretch? Oh yeah. Next, tilt your head forward, balancing out the previous movement. Repeat this a few times.

  • Return to center and tuck your chin again, this time turning your head from left to right. SLOWLY.

  • Draw circles with your nose. Both directions. Remember, to sit up nice and tall during this one. 

  • Circle your shoulders in a forward and backward direction.

Office Chair Body Twists

  • Now, one of my favorites: sit up tall, making your spine long (aligning head-over-heart and heart-over-pelvis) and twist your body to the right side, grab the right side of your chair deepening the twist even more. Look over your right shoulder. Breathe and “lift your heart up”. Hold, and repeat on the other side. What a delicious feeling!

  • Grab the opposite side of your chair with your hand, tilt your body to the side, and make your opposite arm extended, floating over your gripping side. You may also choose to look at your lifted hand for a luscious neck stretch. Now do the other side. 

Office Chair Chest-Openers & Bends

  • Sit up straight, interlace your fingers behind you, ground through your feet, and try to open your chest as much as possible... and take a dive under your desk! Like an Olympic swimmer... or as if you dropped your favorite feather pen under your desk (if you want to be discreet ).

  • Finally time for some leg action! Cross one leg over the other, so you make a right angle with your knee which is resting on your leg. Time for another dive under the desk! Repeat with the other leg. 

  • Try to find a few moments after the practice for some mindfulness. To integrate the shifts in your body. Namaste.

Wall Stretches for your Chest and Shoulders

There are also two awesome stretches you can next to a wall. Perhaps you can do this during your break. 

  • Place your outstretched arms against the wall, ground your feet. Now push the wall with the palms of your hands. You should feel a yummy stretch in the top part of your chest and arms. Also absolutely great for your shoulders. The ultimate stress-release!

  • Stand in a doorway, push your palms sideways into the furnace. You should feel the stretch in the front of your chest and shoulders. An area that particularly tends to tense up while working by a computer.


There you have it! No more excuses – “I don’t have time”, “I’m too busy to do yoga”. You can do yoga ANYWHERE. All you need to do is tune in to your body and ask: what is it that it needs right now. When you will begin to honor yourself, see your body as a temple, the magic will spread throughout your entire life. Try it and see.

- Written by Michelle Prygiel