On Thursday, the 17th of September, the New Moon will arrive at 13:00 PM in Amsterdam. This New Moon is linked to Mars square Saturn and this could be the cause of feelings of frustration for the next four weeks until the next New Moon arrives.
But first, what is a New Moon?
A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
New Moon in Virgo: what to expect?
Mars Square Saturn: conflicting feelings
As mentioned earlier, this New Moon comes bearing troubling gifts. Due to Mars retrograde, starting last month, Mars will continue to square Saturn throughout September. This might bring feelings of frustration and inhibition, and engage certain desires. What makes it frustrating is not the fact that you desire, but that you’ll struggle to express these desires and passions. Your ambitions will be halted by some form of authority out of your control. Your progress is paused, but make sure not to take the offensive approach. It’s better to handle defensively so you can protect the progress you’ve made thus far. One keyword: patience. Your hard work will pay off in the end.
New Moon quincunx Mars: finding solutions
These next four weeks might feel slightly off to you. You could notice a sense of imbalance - whether it’s in your own actions or in synchronizing them with others. Be wary of irritation, anger, and impulsive actions you’ll regret later. Take a deep breath every time you start to feel your temper rising and count to 10. Exploding your emotions really won’t benefit you here! Mars’s influence is only weak to moderate this New Moon, but it’s good to be prewarned of unwanted airy feelings.
New Moon trine Saturn: harmony
Good things are also in store for us! Saturn has a great, responsible effect on us. Luckily for us, Saturn’s influence is much stronger than Mars this New Moon! You’re more likely to act seriously, responsibly, and respectfully to situations. By the end of the New Moon, you’ve managed to solve your problems efficiently. Your work ethic will be restored and you’ll have a stronger idea of what you want to do with your life. After the past New & Full Moons we’ve had, these feelings of achievement, recognition, and contentment are very welcome!

In Summary
We’re headed on a good path! After past hardships and struggles, this New Moon will guide us towards solutions to those problems. This will mean that especially in your work, you’ll notice a big positive change by the time October starts. You will start to reap the seeds of your hard work, and you’re allowed to feel proud. Also emotionally, you’ll feel more and more balanced. You’re likely to be more appreciative of your own self-control and professionalism.
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