5x Easy And Energizing Exercises To Do At Your Desk

Want to be more productive at work and want to get rid of staring at your computer for several hours straight? We’ve got just the thing for you to achieve this goal.

Countless research shows that being seated behind your desk for hours straight isn’t only good for your physical health, but also for your mental health! It might look like you’re working hard if you never step away from your desk and computer - but in reality, people need a change of scenery every once a while to be fully productive. Plus, taking your eyes away from your screen is a very effective way to ensure not getting tired eyes. Characters on the computer, unlike on printed paper, are brighter at the center and lighter on the edges. This makes your eyes jump around the screen trying to focus - making them get tired.

We’re not asking you to take a big break during office hours to head to a nearby gym and break into a sweat. But we are asking you to put your health first. If you’re feeling exhausted and have to endure physical pain, such as backaches and neck aches from looking down at your laptop, please consider that those things are not fruitful for yourself nor your productivity & quality of work. Let’s do something about that, eh? We’re talking about Desk Exercises.

How can desk exercises help?

Big studies conducted by, amongst others, American College of Sports Medicine and the Journal of Worlds Health Management showed that the absence of physical activity has great impact on your work performance. TINYpulse summarized their results to the following important points:

  • 60% of workers reported improved skills on days they worked out beside their desks. From improved time management skills to the ability to meet deadlines.

  • Also being able to take a calm approach when it came to stressful situations was something 27% of the workers reported as a result of working out.

  • The motivation to work also got a great boost, considering 41% of the workers reported this.

In short, working out at your desk should definitely be integrated if you’re looking for a healthy working force!

5 Office-Appropriate Workouts

These easy and quick exercises take only 10 minutes of your precious time and for some, you don’t even need to leave your own chair. Check them out and make sure to give them a try!

1) Seated Leg Raises

Stay where you are, but make sure sitting in an upright position. Straighten your right leg and keep it parallel to the floor and hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Switch legs. Make sure to repeat this for at least 10 rounds (10 times each leg).

2) Chest Opener

If you’re familiar with shoulder pain, this exercise is perfect for you as it relieves tension in that area. Make sure you sit on the edge of your seat and place both hands on the back of your lower neck. Breathe in, turn your chin down, and make your elbows nearly touch each other. Breathe out, open up your chest, hold your head high, and direct your elbows outward so they are placed in the same line as your shoulders. Repeat for about 10 breaths.

3) Neck stretches

Of course, yoga is one of the most effective ways to eliminate neck aches and tension. Now, we don’t always have a yoga mat ready at work - so these simple yoga neck stretches can be done without a mat.

  • The first we’d like to recommend are neck circles. Go clockwise and counter-clockwise for 5 big and slow circles, breathing in going up and breathing out going down.

  • The second one we’d like to tip, are neck lifts. First, breathe out while bringing your right ear to your right shoulder. Breathe in and bring your head back to the middle. Breathe out and bring your left ear to your left shoulder. Do this slowly do this for about 10 breaths.

  • The third one is neck rotations, where you follow the same breathing pattern as the neck lifts, but instead, you rotate your face to look over your right shoulder when breathing out. Breathe in while going back to facing forward, and breathe to look over your left shoulder. Make sure to repeat for another 10 breaths and do this in a very calm and slow pace to give your neck a good stretch.

  • Lastly, chin-ups and downs. While breathing in, bring your chin up as far as you can. Breathe slowly out while bringing your chin down towards your chest. Repeat for as long as you’d like!

4. Back twists

Want to get rid of some back pain? Let’s do some twists! Sit up straight in your chair, place your right arm behind your right hip, and twist to the right side. Hold the position for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side and make sure to do at least 3 rounds.

5. Easy Seated Yoga Poses

Great for stretching your whole body. Here are a few poses that could help your body release tension and stress.

  • Seated Crescent Moon Pose. Make sure again, to sit up straight. Bring your palms together above your head and move your hands and arms slightly to the left. Hold there for one breath and repeat on the right side.

  • Chair Raised Hand Pose. Sit on the edge of your seat, intertwine your fingers and stretch out by straightening your arms end twisting your hands to make the palms of your hands face outside. Keep them parallel to your desk or lift your arms upwards.

  • Cow Face Arms. Stay seated and bring your right arm up and make your left hand touch your right shoulder blade. Make your right hand meet the left, pointing your elbow up. Open up your chest and hold for a few breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Now that isn’t so hard to implement into your day at work, right? We’ll promise you your body and mind will thank you <3

If you’re looking to spend a bit more time on your exercise at work, take a look at our online classes. You can do them with your co-workers as a nice team-building break or integrate some stress-relieving yoga poses into your daily routine.

- Written by Suze van As