What is Tantra, really?

Probably most of you have heard the name at some point. Tantra. One of the most misunderstood, yet intriguing spirituals paths for the Western mind. The concept was brought to Europe in the early 20th century from India by explorers… who narrowed down the idea to certain parts. The ones that shocked and intrigued them the most. Keep in mind, these were Victorian times, known for strict social etiquette. So what is Tantra? Is it an art of love that will make you more desirable to the opposite sex? Or, is there more to it?

It seems the Victorians chose to introduce only the most “sellable” parts to the public. In those times, it wasn’t socially acceptable to speak openly about sex, so the information that Indians were using it for spiritual practices was pretty shocking. Luckily, there’s so much more to it.

The word “Tantra” derives from the Sanskrit root tan, which means “to expand” or “stretch”, and tra, meaning “instrument”. In other words, “Tantra” literally means “the instrument to expand” consciousness, and achieve self-realization. It also means… “weaving”, reminding us that everything in the universe is interconnected and interrelated! Just like one of the inscriptions mentioned on the Emerald Tablets (40,000-year-old hermetic texts) mentioning “so is above, as is below”. According to Tantra everything in the universe is divine, without exception…

Treat Your Body as a Temple


And, Tantra is the practice of treating your body as a temple and enjoying your life (it is a miracle we are alive, anyway…). That means, taking care of yourself through various practices – starting from the things we eat, through the yoga we practice, and ending on the way we do things, and interact with other. Sex can also be Tantric, like the endless list of other practices… since it is about the union of two souls. And that is sacred.

This part is, disappointingly for our erotic-thirsty generation, consisting mainly of “preparation” for sex. Meaning, awakening different senses (through the five elements), meditating with your partner, looking deep into their eyes, etc. Therefore, even the minor part of Tantra that is about sex, is not as sexual as we would expect… Sorry guys!

In fact, ordinary activities like eating, playing, and writing can be practiced as Tantra. Anything to be precise (because it is a reflection of the divine). We just need to perform these activities mindfully and with a sense of gratitude.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ether

These words make you think of a quote from that old series “Charmed”? Not sure if they mentioned the last element, though. For some reason, they would chant only four elements. The five elements create everything in our universe. Starting from our bodies – think of the chakras:

  • Root chakra is earth

  • Sacral chakra is water

  • Solar plexus is fire

  • Heart chakra is air

  • Throat chakra is air

  • All of the remaining three chakras are ether.

Our environment and all phenomena also comprise of these same elements! There are so many ways of regulating the levels of these elements in our bodies. Amongst others, we can diminish feelings of anger, attachment, delusion, pride, and jealousy, which cause sooo much suffering in our lives. But also, we can heal parts of our lives that need attention. A weak root chakra, for example, can lead to a lack of stability in life and financial problems. To find more balance in these areas, we can practice grounding asanas (yoga postures), such as tree pose, or the yogi squat.

“Life starts when you step out on the yoga mat”


Maaike Aker is a yoga teacher specializing in Kundalini and Traditional Tantra yoga. So many times new students mistook the term “Tantra” for its westernized meaning. What it really is about is aligning your inner energy with the practice. Often, it is practiced with the eyes closed. It’s all about internal connection and reflection, while the actual physical aspect naturally follows. Simply, if we connect to our bodies and minds, we will feel which level of movement serves us best!

There are so many various forms of yoga, but in this one, we are in charge of how far we want to stretch, move. Making us more in charge of our practice. And incorporating those movements with our breath. All in all, it becomes a moving meditation.

The Breath Anchors Our Practice


Once we let go of perfection and nailing those challenging asanas, chances are, we will actually nail them… admit it, you have caught yourself trying not to “fall behind” from the rest of the class? Nothing more delusory. Usually, the more we “overwork” ourselves and compete with others, the harder it becomes to reach those yoga goals… not that we should have any in the first place. Instead, it’s a good idea to just let go, and stay deeply connected with what your body needs today.

Surprised? Intrigued? Hopefully, we have made you a bit more familiar with the essence of Tantra and Tantric Yoga. Go and try one of Maaike’s Kundalini Yoga classes (nowadays online) and experience it for yourself. Oh, and share the knowledge. So many people out there are still confused!

- Written by Michelle Prygiel