
The Voice of Amsterdam Trees 

The Voice of Amsterdam Trees 

The Conscious Club is going to make it happen during two events held at the studio in collaboration with Talking Trees! There will be two Talking Plant concerts led by Bert Barten on Sunday the 29th of Novemberat 12:15 – 13:15 and 13:45 – 14:45, who will… make our plant wall sing!

Post-plastic era: 10 lifestyle hacks for reducing plastic

Post-plastic era: 10 lifestyle hacks for reducing plastic

Last year, thousands rushed to the streets making a stand for saving the planet, it has been widely discussed in politics, and in the same year, we raised millions for the Ocean Cleanup. All this to save ourselves from drowning in our own rubbish!

Go Zero waste! Create your own herbal garden

Go Zero waste! Create your own herbal garden

We love herbs and spices, but we hate the plastic packaging they are wrapped in most supermarkets. A great solution to your herbal needs is to simply grow your own! No more plastic, no more overpriced herbs, and always access to a fresh supply.

Why You Should Cut Meat From Your Diet

Why You Should Cut Meat From Your Diet

Did you know that, on average, a Dutch person eats about 110 grams of meat a day? This week, March 9th - 15th, marks the third edition of the National Meatless Week in The Netherlands. A special campaign which should be celebrated! That’s why we like to join in and talk about the benefits of living without meat consumption to encourage a conscious lifestyle.

Slow Fashion: A Sustainable Alternative To Fast Fashion

Slow Fashion: A Sustainable Alternative To Fast Fashion

Slow fashion criticizes the principles of fast fashion, such as producing the largest amount of clothes in the shortest amount of time. This article describes what a shift from fast to slow fashion would do for our planet and all of its living inhabitants.