The Secret of Living in Abundance

How much do we need to achieve to feel content with life? Many of us spend our lives chasing this threshold that is continuously shifting. And, to be fair, it’s not really our fault. Society has programmed us to seek external gratification. It begins with earning good grades at school, perhaps finishing our studies, finding a partner, building up our status with a job title, and… buying a neverending list of items promising us happiness. And still, many of us experience scarcity. How is this possible?

Appetite Grows with Eating

If only the recipe for happiness were as easy as buying ourselves some new clothes or a car. Or gaining social status. No… there are plenty of miserable people out there crying in Porsches. See, the human mind is designed in such a way that anything we desire externally, satisfies us only for a moment. It’s all quite short-term. The true deep-rooted and long-term happiness arises from the inside. Or, to be specific from gratitude for what we already claim. If we learn to perceive the abundance that surrounds us (and we are so blessed!), we will experience constant happiness and peace.

Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.

– Wayne Dyer


What is Abundance anyway?

This mysterious term literally means overflowing - if we were to apply this to our lives, we would realize that we already own everything we desire. There is no need in excessive shopping or chasing after social constructs, or people who we believe will make us whole. Instead, Patañjali suggests a non-attachment approach, where we observe all outside phenomena from a distance. And find happiness from within. How to do that? Firstly, get to know our TRUE authentic selves and recognize our talents.

1) Discover Your Self Through Meditation

What better way to re-connect with yourself than create a meditation routine each day. By observing our thinking patterns in stillness… surely, some thoughts arise from time to time during your meditation session – admit it! Slowly, but gradually we will begin to deduct which voices are ours and which one are not. There could be quite some beliefs or shoulds and shouldn'ts that are limiting us in living fully, in abundance. Simply observe and the change will come!

2) Learn to Celebrate Small Things


“It’s the small things in life that matter most” – as cliché as this sounds, it is very true. And, the funny thing is: if we show gratitude for the small things, bigger things will follow. No kidding. It’s how abundance works. No matter what our living situation looks like, there are always things to be grateful for. Starting from the very fact that we are alive. We can begin our days by appreciating the sun shining through the window, enjoying stretching our body during yoga, or the taste of our morning coffee.

3) Another great way of self-discovery is journaling. Try it!

Why not do a little exercise? Choose a more easy-going day during the week and dedicate it to feeling grateful. Consciously decide which actions you will take, one by one. You can do this simply with self-inquiry: ask your higher self what it needs. The answer will come automatically. Without questioning too much, give yourself what you need! Now, really tune into the feeling of gratitude for what you are doing. If you are walking through a park, pay attention to all the beauty around you: the sun, the flowers, the trees… Use all of your senses. What a great day to be alive! Continue on to the next activity…

Are You Ready to Deep-dive into Abundance?

Living abundantly is a tantric approach, where we go beyond just nurturing the body and mind. We connect with our inner selves. With this unique energy that composes each and every one of us! To achieve this, we need to tap into our intuition and explore who we are. Being careful to separate ideas we have been taught by other or social constructs. And of our egos.

Practice makes perfect, so if we pay attention to this each day, we will find ourselves living in a state of expansion and contentment. Our positivity will attract other beautiful events into our lives. That’s just how things work. Actually, your impact won’t stop there. It will inspire those around you and, literally, create a happier world. So, what are you waiting for? Start living your abundant life today.

- Written by Michelle Prygiel