The Age of Aquarius: The Technological Evolution

Last Monday marked a very important date in astrological calendars. 21st December 2020 is the agreed-upon beginning of the Age of Aquarius. For the past 2,164 days, the sun has been rising near the Pisces constellation… and now it’s heading towards Aquarius. Basically, this means that everything the specific zodiac signs embody become the “theme” of the astrological age. How lucky are we to witness this transition happen right in front of our eyes. 

Big changes are coming!

So far, during the Age of Pisces, humanity has been more engaged than ever in all matters related to the soul. We yearned to seek connection to something greater than the Self. It was associated with the dissolution of the ego, transcendence. But also with illusion. During this age, we were manipulated into working systems, beliefs of superiority between classes, the propaganda of pharmaceutical companies, and so on…


It was about deception, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. The rise of the world’s major religions, including Christianity – the living symbol of the Pisces Age. The symbol of the fish, or the element of water appearing in the baptisms (merging the ego into a river of faith), or turning water into wine. 

The Age of Aquarius will be about unveiling the Truth, collaboration and humanitarian ideals. Bring on the intellectualism. Technology advancement. Sustainability. We will lose our egos and become truly vulnerable. Borders will fall and we will live in a flat hierarchy, where everyone has equal rights… regardless of race, religion, or gender. 

Seems all too good to be true?

Well, like with any horoscope or Tarot reading, there are two vibrations. The positive and the negative. Changes within these domains will inevitably occur – but anything taken too far has the potential to become dangerous.

Don’t worry –  no need to live in fear. We should just keep aware of certain matters and laws been introduced by politicians. One of them is security and surveillance. Already now, it feels like we are on the breach of losing certain rights – it’s crucial that we observe the decisions of the authorities and ensure that, after everything has returned to normal, we get these “temporarily suspended” rights back.  As you have probably noticed governments are investing big sums of money into optimizing surveillance systems to guarantee us safety.

This can be positive, of course… As long as it doesn’t become abused. A good example is China, where surveillance has increased by 1900% (yes, that’s no joke) and is used to collect mobile phone and face recognition data to track down the minorities. Although, just thinking about being watched on every street corner is making us shiver.

Probably one of the most controversial inventions in history is Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a brain chip that can enhance human intelligence by connecting it with a computer - basically turning humans into cyborgs. This could be a miracle cure for those suffering from paralysis, Alzheimer or other neurological problems, but if this system gets hacked… just think about it. We could lose our freedom forever, not to mention our personalities. Sounds like a science fiction movie, right?

For thousands of years, humans have been working mainly in agriculture. Ever since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, technology has been developing faster and faster. The opening of factories during the industrial revolution created many jobs while ramping up pollution levels. People performed repetitive jobs in manufacturing goods until an invention would appear making their work more effective. This was beneficial up to a certain point until the numbers of jobs began dropping. That’s when humans moved into services and intellectual jobs and the middle class was created.

Watch this interesting short documentary series to learn more about technological improvement and automation.

To the Age of Information and AI

In the past decades, we have stepped into the Information Age. Machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) have become a thing. It seems like any job which doesn’t require emotional intelligence or decision-making skills, can be done cheaper and faster by robots.

You may already have noticed that most of your banking is done online, and when you go to the airport, you are often served by a computer instead of a human check-in assistant. Yes, humans are slowly being replaced by machines, and research is already undergoing on how to teach computers to understand emotions. 

Another recent topic has been introducing 5G internet. There are split opinions on this topic - some scientists worry that long-term exposure to radiation could cause cancer. Unfortunately, we will learn the answer with time, because 5G is already up and running.

Drifting Away from Nature

We at the Conscious Club know that technology can be useful depending on its goal. The truth is, the more we fill our lives with gadgets, computers, and laser beams, the further we drift away from our true nature. Chances are, this will paradoxically bring us less happiness. 

We want to optimize our minds and our surroundings – yet, they are perfect as they are. Instead of trying to turn ourselves into “superhumans”, perhaps we should dive deeper into why we try so hard to fight our mortal and imperfect (but unique) human-nature. Is it fear of death? 

Let’s face it: we are an indivisible part of planet Earth. In the end, we will only harm ourselves if we disrupt the natural ecological system with our technologies. Have you ever noticed how Zen you feel when you are out in nature? Surrounded by plants, trees, rivers, breathing in fresh and unpolluted air… that’s where we humans feel at our best, just like any other animal. Practicing yoga, eating healthy, connecting with others, sitting in nature – do we really need anything else to live?

- Written by Michelle Prygiel