February Full Moon in Virgo: The Time For Change


Maybe it’s the start of Spring, or maybe it’s the signs in the sky that lead us towards a welcome shift in our lives. This Saturday, the 27th of February, The Full Moon in Virgo arrives in Amsterdam at 2:30 AM. This early morning will be the start of a beautiful new period, in which we free ourselves from old burdens and finally create the time to make changes that have been on your list for way too long. It’s the perfect time to shake things up, something we’ve desired for a long time…

Full Moon Meaning

A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.

During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach their peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships.

What to expect from this full moon?

Contrasting Wishes

  • Saturn square Uranus is known for its trait to create conflict. You might feel confused about what to choose, whether it’s between responsibility and independence, stability and change, or routine and something new. Will you do something crazy and exciting? Or stick to the comfortable things you’re used to?

  • Due to all this conflict, you might find yourself in an unwanted position: having to deal with a challenge you didn’t envision. You might even encounter change you didn’t seek yourself, whether it was imposed upon you by governmental restrictions or other limitations of your freedom. It is up to you to find the best way possible to deal with all of this.

  • On the other hand, positive changes might also come your way! It could be hard to free yourself from old burdens or pick up your creativity again. But note that all of this is possible, as long as you put your heart and soul into it. Sudden career changes, break-ups, or making bold choices could lead you towards a path where you can self-express more than before.


Frustration & Tension

  • With all of this change in your life, you can imagine you might feel a bit frustrated at some point. You might lose some stability you’ve had for a long time, to make way for something better. But the road towards the happier and more creative space could get a bit bumpy.

  • In addition, if you rebel too much against the routine in your life, you might end up losing more than you initially wanted. So be careful when threading on the line of wanting change and being reckless.

  • The best thing you can do is not to force change. When an opportunity presents itself to you - consider carefully if this is the right thing for you. Embrace new chances with open-mindedness, but do not go looking for a change - just for the sake of change.


Personal and Professional Imbalance

  • Full Moon quincunx Saturn triggers feelings of imbalance and most notably imbalance between your personal and professional life. There might be times, where you feel emotionally attached to your work, or you feel emotional conflicts by the duties you have to do for work. It could be a difficult time for you to find the perfect line between just being involved in your work, and feeling overly attached to your work.

  • Also, your intimate relationships could suffer due to your emotional imbalance. Feelings of coldness, guilt, fear, or neglect of your responsibilities within your relationships could have some daunting effects on your life. We would advise you to create time to channel in with yourself: what do you want in your relationship? Be patient with your emotions and make sure to take care of restoring balance through your open-mindedness and forgiveness.

Positive Anticipation

  • Full Moon trine Uranus results in positivity, including increased self-awareness, more freedom, creativity, and intuition. You can trust your gut when it comes to introducing positive changes in your life. Thanks to the influence of Uranus, these changes will go more smoothly and will cause less chaos to everybody involved. Nice right?

  • If you pay close attention, you might’ve already noticed that there is something changing in the air around you. This anticipation of change or sudden encounters could result in nervous feelings. But they will guide you towards something better, and help you leave unhealthy aspects of your life behind.

In Summary

This Full Moon will inspire change! A unique characteristic, as it is normally the New Moon that triggers the need for changing up our routines. The influence of Uranus ensures that the changes we choose to embrace will work out best for us, whereas Saturn can create feelings of imbalance and uncertainty. Therefore we need to carefully consider what direction we want to go in - and as. long as you take an open-minded view on your future, career, and relationships - you will be able to pursue a happy lifestyle.