New Moon in Cancer: Emotions & Motivation

New Moon in Cancer: Emotions & Motivation

This Friday on the 13th of July a partial solar eclipse will take place, this happens when the moon is situated between the sun and the earth. Also, referred to as sun-moon conjunction. As the moon will block the lightness of the sun for a short moment and result in a solar eclipse, it will be the first eclipse of the summer season of 2018.  


New Moon


This solar eclipse means a new moon will rise on the night that ties Thursday to Friday. While eclipses represent life changing energies and transformations, they still affect every individual differently. Therefore, it is important to follow the signs and move with the flow that comes to you naturally in these powerful moments.

The new moon falls into the domain of emotions and wants to connect with us on a deeper level. During this time we should welcome this energy of nurturing and caring as it will come to us automatically and will guide us to understand our feelings deep down. Typically, the influence of eclipses may come in many shapes and forms. However, one thing is crystal clear, they allow us to realize our biasness and push us to explore new paths and new perspectives.   

This New Moon gives us some good potential to increase motivation since the new moon will show you where you need to be heading and what to pay attention to. Just receive the energy shared with you openly and let it assist your life decisions. In other words, let the universe take you on a journey. 



With the partial solar eclipse being in the sign of Cancer, it will affect the axis of Cancer-Capricorn. “This Cancer Solar Eclipse has a strong rebirth energy and is asking us to dig deep within our soul to uncover what parts of our lives need to be awaken or reinvented.” -ForeverConscious

There hasn’t been a solar eclipse in the sign of cancer since 2011, thus new circumstances might arise. “This new moon is especially vital because it kicks off a two-year series of eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which will touch down between now and July 2020.” - Astrostyle

This type of energy might bring a similar sense of events that took place 7 years ago when an eclipse in Cancer was seen the last time. Thus, keeping this in mind while graciously experiencing the new moon could help you avoid negative energies that you are already familiar with.

On the other hand, solar eclipses signify new beginnings and new chances. So, take advantage of the new moon to get rid of old habits that you would wish to eliminate and move forwards focusing on the new possibilities that arise with it.

Also, the two year series of eclipses beginning could mean that the changes that come with the new moon might take some time to become reality as it is a lengthy period. But, don’t be discouraged by this as new things take time so keeping it consistent will help you get there the fastest.

Shortly, remember to go with the flow, be open to new possibilities and be aware of the meeting point where the past and the present come together. Connecting with your inner-self becomes easier with the new moon so try it out and see how it makes you feel. Being conscious of the changes in your life will keep you grounded and motivated towards new experiences. Enjoy the new moon!


Conscious Contributor: Natalie Tekin

Forever Conscious
