New Moon In Capricorn

New Moon In Capricorn

The first new moon of 2018 is a big one: the Capricorn new moon falls over Amsterdam tonight.

In a month that’s packed with moon energy this is significant. The new moon brings a whole host of new energy to us. But what does it actually mean? Check out our simple guide to this energy powerhouse that will hit us tonight!

Full moon vs. new moon

Despite what you may think, what you will experience tonight is not a “full moon”.
Instead it is a new moon, and it means something entirely different for us energetically.
The difference between the two is the moon’s position.

A full moon occurs when the moon is on the far side of the earth from the sun. Energetically speaking, it amplifies our emotions. You’ll feel more during the full moon: if you are excited you might be running around; if you’re feeling low, you might just want to stay on the couch.

Regardless of which emotion it is, with the full moon, you’ll feel a lot of it. It’s like throwing confetti in the air at a party.

A new moon is the opposite. It occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun. Because of this, it appears darker than normal to us here on Earth. It signifies the end of one moon cycle and is the beginning of the newest 28-day one.

Because of its symbol as a new beginning, the new moon represents a time of transformation. If the full moon is confetti in the air, the new moon is that same confetti on the ground. Now it’s time to step back and look at what is actually there and how it landed.


You might know the traits of a Capricorn already. They include:

  • Responsible
  • Timeliness
  • Seriousness
  • Independence
  • Self-control
  • Leaders
  • Rigidness

When the moon enters this sign, we can benefit from these positive traits or fall victim to the negatives as well, regardless of what our personal sign is.

However, right now, it’s not just the moon that is in Capricorn. In fact, there are actually 4 planets that are aligned in this sign: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto.  This makes this new moon particularly special, and the effects will be powerful for the next two and a half days.


The Effects of the Planets, Capricorn, and the Moon

As the moon joins these other planets in capricorn, it will unleash a powerful new energy. As Tanaaz writes on

“Having a line up of so many planets indicates that this New Moon is going to bring a lot of earthy Capricorn energy for all of us to play with.”

In short, this series of planetary alignments will amplify this already cleansing and transformative energy that comes from the new moon. This is particularly enhanced by the fact that it is occurring in the Capricorn sign, and means that it is a great time for us to sit down and focus on the things in life that will move us forward.

As Molly Hall from writes:

“When the Moon is in Capricorn, we're more serious minded. It's harder to just hang out. We want to feel productive on something that has substance to it.  Capricorn is an earth sign that means business.  With the Moon here, emotional force can be applied to whatever is in process...These days are great for pushing past difficult obstacles. You've got extra discipline and patience. And you're able to forgo the satisfaction of short term gains for longer term achievements.”


This powerful planetary phenomena will bring a revitalizing and focusing energy to the next few days. So if you are feeling ready to begin a new venture, now might be the time to sit down and figure out how to do so.

Some activities that might be perfect to take on during this new moon cycle?

  • That nerve-wracking meeting with clients
  • A business planning session
  • Tackling the overflow of paperwork that you have

Make these next three days the most productive you can—know that the power of the moon is behind you!

Here’s some more Astrology inspiration from:

“This first New Moon of the year in Capricorn is fertile ground for honoring, tracking and refining your intentions to move along a new path.” Pat Liles—

“Once truth is revealed, and we accept the reality that has been stripped of its facade, we are motivated to rethink our priorities and to start to purge our systems of excesses and corruption.” —Pam Younghans, North Point Astrology