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Online Angelic Harp Journey

Enjoy Music From Your Home

The harp is an ancient instrument, having been around since as early as 2500 B.C., that continues to be a major force in the modern-day musical world.

Studies have shown that the harp, its sounds and vibrations, help to lower blood pressure, reduce heart rates, anxiety and pain levels, and bring a sense of calm, inner peace and emotional balance to listeners.

About Fralalai

Fralalai is an Italian harp player and singer-songwriter based in Amsterdam. Her “Celtic-erranean” (celtic+mediteranean) original style, is infused with dreamy Celtic atmospheres, as well as with the emotional intensity of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern tones.

Fralalai defines herself as a Neo-ancient trobairitz (female troubadour) who merges different styles and languages in a cross-cultural blend that connects our modern times with the ancient worlds. Her performances lead to enchanted inner journeys, which allow you to reconnect with your emotions and with Nature, and to celebrate your soul.

Facilitator: Fralalai
Duration time: 1 hour
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,-
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50