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Online New Moon Healing Circle

Meditation & Live Music

Dear Conscious Club tribe, time to meditate for healing and harmony.

Do yo feel the call to sent your healing prayers out in to the world? Then join Wen-Wei Ong and Maaike Aker in our beautiful New Moon Kundalini Mantra Healing Meditation.

Join us in this magical gathering of healing where we practice a beautiful and intimate New Moon Mantra Meditation. Different then the one we do every month at the Conscious Club since this time we are not able to hold hands but still in ourselves we can still feel the ever present connection with each other.

This time we chant together at the same time where we sing and pray from our Hearts. In this beautiful and uplifting meditation to sent out ripples of light and healing in to the world. We use this mantra and posture to generate and sent out our healing energy., our light, our prayers to where it is needed the most. With all that is happening right now throughout the whole of the earth, It is needed , more then ever. To heal ourselves from the inside out, to support each other in their journey of healing so we all can make this world.

We chant the beautiful Ra Ma Da Sa-chant:

Ra Ma Da Sa
Sa Say So Hung

Ra = sun energy
Ma = moon energy
Da = earth energy
Sa = infinity, universal energy
Sa (repeated)
Say = the personal embodiment of Sa
So = the personal sense of merger with Sa
Hung = the Infinite, vibrating and real

This mantra literally means: “I am Thou." It can also mean, "the service of God is within me.“

The energy that’s generated by the group will truly be amazing. Come and experience it for yourself, and tap into the power of Community, Kundalini Yoga and the New Moon energy.

Join us and connect with your inner healer to sent out our healing and light to where it is needed most. We are looking forward to meditate and sing with you.

Facilitators: Maaike Aker & Wen-Wei Ong
Duration time: 1 hour
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,-
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50