
Online Yoga Nidra

Be Guided Into A Deep Meditative State

Yoga Nidra is a deep, meditative state that is accessed through a guided lesson. It is one of the deepest relaxation states that humans can enter while still being awake, and its benefits include better sleep, reduced stress, increased energy, and better awareness.

Yoga Nidra is called the sleep of the yogis. Yoga nidra is not “yoga” as many of us know it. By that we mean that it isn’t a series of poses that you move through on a mat where you start on your feet and end in downward dog. Instead, yoga nidra skips most of this and goes straight to the savasana pose—the one for deep relaxation after an invigorating class.

How to Prepare for Yoga Nidra

Please make sure you have something comfortable to lay on; it can even be your bed. Make yourself comfortable with blankets and pillows, so that you will be totally comfortable and supported to fully relax in this special kind of yogic meditation.

Facilitators: Sophie Fleur & Suze Retera
Duration time: 30 or 60 minutes
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,-
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50