
Online Wim Hof Breath Work

Boost Your Immune System

Our body has the amazing ability to adjust to different types of circumstances. The self-healing ability is enormous. Breathing, basic stimuli such as cold can have a lot of influence on this.

What is the Wim Hof Method?

The breath meditation from the Wim Hof Method is a deep breathing technique in which you influence your oxygen / carbon dioxide balance, your hormone system, the nervous system and the blood circulation and the heart. In 45 minutes you will experience what a tremendous power is hidden in your breathing.

The Wim Hof Method is similar to Tummo (inner heat) Meditation and Pranayama (yogic breathing). Yet it is something else entirely.

While Wim has read a lot of books on yoga and meditation for many years, this technique primordially comes from what he terms ‘cold hard nature’. By subjecting himself to the bitter conditions of nature, he learned to withstand the extreme forces of cold, heat and fear.

If you learn this method or technique correctly, it will empower you to do to the same.

Facilitator: Rein Sarink
Duration time: 1 hour
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,-
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50