
Online Traditional Hatha

Detox - Heart Opener - Stress Relief

As you can't come to the studio at the moment, we’re taking Ramon’s Traditional Hatha class online! Feel free to join this journey, where we will focus on a different themes.

The class is accessible for all levels.


1. Detox
Tonight we will focus on detoxifying the body and improve the strength of our immune system. As many of you are home I would say this is the perfect opportunity to work on your health, or to keep your steady practice of course:). The class is accessible for all levels. In this session, we will focus a bit more on twists and poses to stimulate our liver, kidneys and intestines. Also we use a powerful pranayama (breathing exercise) to detoxify our body and increase the oxygen level in our body.

2. Heart Opener
The body stores emotions and chest openers are particularly good for releasing sadness, grief, anger, and frustration. The more you expand your sternum, rib cage and the rest of your upper body with chest openers, the more blood, oxygen and nerve circulation will be freed up to invigorate you mentally and physically. This will be our main focus during this session as we have to be there for each other these days and show each other some more love! Accessible for all levels

3. Stress Relief
Stress demands all of our energy. When our batteries are so depleted, we can’t deal, and anything can push us over the edge. It's like being stuck in semi-panic mode, where there is very little exhale, and the neck, head, and shoulders are likely to be tense. Yoga gives us tools to cope. When inner peace is nowhere to be found, it's time to tune into the body. One technique is to notice where stress or panic lands in the body, and take our mind and breath there. In this class we'll be using these tools including powerful pranayama (breathing techniques) to get us into our relaxation response. This class is accessible for all levels.

4. Balance
Balance yoga poses were found to be very helpful in relieving stress and reducing inner tension. Additionally, they improve focus, concentration and memory. Finally, the unquestionable benefit of the poses is the ability to control emotions in critical and stressful moments. In this class we bring the more focus to these poses. Take this time to challenge yourself at home without the pressure of others watching ;). Class is suitable for all levels.

Facilitator: Ramon Kinkel
Duration time: 1 hour
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,- 
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50