
Online Kundalini

In Depth Journey to Relax and Renew

Join Maaike for a high spirited and heartwarming inner yoga journey of letting go, healing and empowerment. A journey of deep connection, inner harmony and vitality.

In her online classes she shares abundantly from her heart guiding you in your practice in the comfort of your own home.

We are much invited now to stay in our strength, to stay calm within the eye of the storm, to trust and to feel connected with our true essence. No matter how hard at times it storms inside and out our true essence is always present and the more we bring our attention inside the more our true essence can shine and radiate. We can trust our inner compass and are able to flow with the natural pace of life. The more we are able to connect with ourselves and others the more we are able to move through life from a compassionate and caring place inside ourselves. To help and uplift others along to way.

What to Expect?

Each class is designed to to empower yourself, to let go of anxiety, fear, and to connect with your natural state of being. So you can stay in trust and in your strength, calm in the eye of the storm and to be a lighthouse for yourself and others.

All classes are inner explorations, beautiful journeys on the mat. Powerful, energetic and meditative. We move, we breath, we go within and we shake of whatever we need to let go of so we feel vitalized, renewed and empowered.

The classes are powerful yet soothing and they work amazingly on the endocrine, metabolic, immune and nervous system of the body. In the classes we incorporate movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditations and we chant beautiful and uplifting mantras.

Lets come together, lets unite, lets empower our self and be a lighthouse for the world. Looking forward to welcome you! ️

Facilitator: Maaike Aker
Duration time: 1 hour
Location: Recorded @ The Conscious Club 
Online Prices:
Online Single Class | €5,-
Online 7-Day VOD Trial | €5,- 
Online 5 Livestreams Pass (valid for 3 months) | €24,-
Online 1 Month Unlimited (VOD & Live Classes) | €37,50